Hello my 7angels♥

Hellooooo humanity! udah lama bgt kayanya ga ngepost hahaha. Have so many stories hereeee, but i don't have any idea where to starts this stories first haha. Hmm, back to stories about love life friend kali yaaaa. Well, I'm very grateful cause God gives me 7 angels from their own home hahaha. No, seriously, I love this 7 angels like i love my imaginations friend :"} You may called me crazy but, hey, you all should meet all my angels. Describe about them? Well, they're brings a lot of happiness, more laughter, craziness, faithful, loyalty, entertainer, but mostly, they fix my broken wings and made me an angel, too. Doesn't have to be perfect, talented, pretty, smart, to have a best-ever-friends like them. Just need to be yourself, the way you are, the way you wanted you to be. Then, it'll changed to be a rainbow in you gray skies! whoa! Don't believe it? Well, I suggest you to. ;-) Yaaaa, talking about my 7 angels whose come from their own home.......(sounds so ridiculous i know-_-) pasti udah pada tau kaaan siapa yg lagi(-lagi) gue omongin....YUPS! puninacajoonqutihrahinahselikejikdellaw! That's they are, my 7 angels...or we usually called it with 'wecewece' hahaha, we should thinking about another name you know-_- But, apalah arti sebuah nama kalo yg gue temuin dari mereka cuma perasaan selalu pengen bahagia....HAHAHA yaksss, call it lebay but that's the truth, ladies. ;-} Mereka itu bagaikan sebuah buku diary buat gue, bahkan lebih special dari sebuah buku diary. I don't know, it feels like i don't even have any secrets yet with them about my life. First of all, let me introduce them one by one. Say Hi! to Renata Punina! We used to called her as Punina. Fatty-shorty 15th girl going to 16th on 15October with her chocolate skin but she's bring so damny much of laughter with her silly behavior. Men-nyingle selama (hampir) 16tahun. Kalo habis ketemu/ngeliat gebetannya, apapun yg lo mau akan dipenuhi sama dia~ Gak peduli dimanapun dia berada, selalu aja mukanya yg jadi sorotan publik, eksotis sekali muka-mu Punina o=") Tapi gimanapun juga, its always feels like everything is incomplete without her♥ The next one, she's usually called by Qutih, wellyeah say Hi! to Fatin Dwi Saputri! Obsessed to be a Model, like to sing a lot, a good listener. Ohmy, she just like my mother, setiap pagi baru nyampe kelas pasti langsung ada cerita baru buat diceritain, entah itu dia yg cerita ke gue, atau justru sebaliknya. Setiap gue dijailin sama orang, gue pasti ngadu-nya ke Qutih. Sampe kalo tangan gue kepentok meja-pun Qutih selalu jadi tempat gue berkeluhkesah-_- , she'll always be there♥ Theeen, i present you Raina Fitri! say Hi! to Rahinah! Yups, this Padang's girl ;p Have a beautiful black-long-shiney-stright hair, but mostly, she had the most patience than all of us. Yeah, sabar bgt anak ini kalo udah main sama kita semua hahaha. Karena kesabarannya yg super-dooper menjadikan dia orang pertama yg sukses 100% ngajarin gue naik motor dengan meminjamkan motor Beat merah-nya. hahaha seriously, that's make me a motorcycle racer now B-) Bukan F1, tapi F4 (re: F-Se) T_T Mostly gue curhat sama Rahinah kalo pas lagi di motor, dia orang yg pertama tau pas gue ikutan GadisSampul hahaha, she's the one who see my shocking faces when i get that call♥ Well next one is someone who I consider as my own sister, my "oon" bestiest, yup I called her as Cajoon...Say Hi! to Anisa Arandini anywaaaay! Look like an arabian-girl, that's why many people called her "Onta"-_- Tall, amazing but she's so goofy...Yawn, anak ini bener2 deh kalo lagi dateng oon-nya, dia bisa 1000kali jadi orang ter-oon didunia. Tapi dibalik ke oon-an-nya, dia adalah sosok seorang kakak yg bener2 bisa bikin tenang bgt kalo habis curhat sama dia. Jalan pikirnya kadang dewasa bgt, "kadang" loh :-} However, she was reflecting the figure of a bestfriend as a sister♥ nexxxt, let me introduce you to my Directioner friends! Yeaaaa, ini dia si Lelaaa! hahaha gakdeeeng, her name is Selly Nuraida, we used to call her as Selik! Say Hi! to Selik! This fatty-big girl from Ciamis hahaha, but yeah as you know, she's so......ngocol-_- Kita sama2 suka OneDirection, that's why kalo kita sedang bertengkar pasti bilangnya, "kita kan sama2 Directioner, Benak=")" key-_- kata2 yg masih bgtbgtan gue inget dari Selik adalah, "alay adalah suatu pertumbuhan menuju dewasa, lo sih ga alay jadi ga numbuh deh." YaAllah =")-_- She just too proud to be "Alay"i think-__- hahaha♥ Well then, we used to called her as Ejik! yeaaa say Hi! to Albarru Rhezy Prima Sejati! what a looong name, Jik-_- hahaha. She's so adorable. I believe someday you'll be with "tuyul" Jik :p Long-black hair, tall and Qutih's twins. Yap, dia kemana2 selalu sama si Qutih, just like twins. Kadang2 Ejik bisa menjadi begitu random kalo lagi dicengin hahaha. Cepatlah mendapatkan pasangan hidup Jik♥ And the last one is............Galatia Adella! say Hi! to Dellaw! A little more fat, and kepopers.....eh apasih itu yg suka sama korea2 itulah pokoknya gue gatau-_- Hanya medoakan yg terbaik saja untuk teman seperjuangan menyebrang jembatan pink gue ini masa depan dia akan cerah kalo suka sama para boyband boyband yg isinya gay seperti itu......damai Del-_-v hahaha♥
YEAAAAAY! that's all! you've to meet my 7 angels! Awalnya doang kita kalem, tapi kalo udah sering main bareng ngobrol atau apapun itu, hmmm kebrutalan yg sesungguhnya akan mulai terungkap......-_- Why i called them all an angels? well, it's because of their kindness, aha. When i'm feeling down, they can cheers me up. Setia bgt ngedengerin cerita gue meskipun tentang hal yg sama berulang-ulang kali. Rela bolakbalik cuma buat nemenin gue nyebrang. Pas kaki gue digigit serangga sampe bengkak plusplus sakit aja mereka perhatian bgt...Kaya Rahinah, sabar bgt mau nemenin gue bolakbalik ke ruang guru buat minjem balsem sama minyak kayu putih, rela ngegosokin balsem dikaki gue. But mostly, mereka semua tabah bgt buat gue mintain tolong bangunin kalo habis duduk ngeleseh dilantai<3 They care even about the little thing that maybe not all of people see it as an important things. That's why i love them the mostttt! We do a lot of random things. I'm begging you all, please don't ever change to be normal, i love un-normally things anyway :-} Benazia Arsyi Syafira love you all a lot my weceweceeeee, mungkin sebuah kata2 aja gabakalan cukup buat ngegambarin seberapa sayangnya gue sama kalian semua♥♥♥
Btw, thanks for still reading my blog guys, its really mean a lot to me to share what's on my mind now. May Allah always bless you all.. ♥:-)