Gardening Party!

Yihaaaa, I've another fabulous Saturday-night ever! Yapsss as the title written, It's gardening party-timeeeee!!! \=D/ Absolutely with my lovely SKKL & Xmm3 of courseee! (Fyi, SKKL itu adalah nama transformasi dari "wecewece" akhirnya nama kita berubah jadi nama yg lebih layak....*tumpengan*. Kepanjangannya? I bet you'll never want to know about it....Kepanjangannya itu terlalu....random+brutal kalo bisa dibilang-_- Well okay, SKKL itu adalah......Susu Kambing Kuda Liar! HAHAHAHA YOMAAAN B-) I know, I know....itu random akut, plussss udah Susunya Kambing pake Kuda, liar pula....emejing-_-) Well, I can honestly says, I will never-ever-ever can forget about that nightttt. Even if this is our second Gardening Party, tapi kali ini juga ga kalah seru sama yg pertamakali. Just need one word to describe that night, AMAZING! Yeaaaa!!! \m/
Kita emang udah dari bulan kemaren2 ngerencanain pengen gardengardenan party lagi sama mm3, kangen bgt kayanya. Semenjak gagalnya sebuah rencana pengen ke Pulau, finally Punina ngajakin bakar2an aja dikebun gue lagi.....Btw, ini juga bersangkutan dengan hari ulangtahunnya doi. Uyeee, let's saaaays HappyBirthday to my beloveddd friends everrr, Renata Puninaaaa!!! OHYA! not forget to says HappyBirthday too, of course to another of my beloved friends, Raina Fitriiiii!!!! Awwww, you know I love you guys so damn mucho Gaaaals!♥♥♥ Okayokay, akhirnya udah fix bener2 deh kali ini buat bikin acara ini, so hopefully it'll be another amazing party for us, especially for Punina&Raina I think.... Akhirnya pas H-1, kita udah siap2in itu semua, dari yg awalnya pengen ngumpul dari pagi jam 8an, sampe akhirnya ngumpul semua jam 10an........what a ngaret you know-___- Akhirnya kita udah ngumpul dan blablabla karena kekurangan 1 motor akhirnya wanita perkasa yg bernama Cajoon rela mengayuh sepedah dari rumah gue sampe kebunnnn~ untung cuma dari Galaxi ke Cikunir.....tapi mungkin bagi dia itu udah bagaikan dari Zimbabwe ke Kutub Utara kaliyaaa....jauh bener-_- Yuppp, nyampe di kebun kita semua langsung teparrr disaung~ Sempet nemenin Punina pulang lagi kerumahnya cuma buat ngambil seonggok dress yg pada akhirnya juga ga dia pake-_- Sekalian cari makanan berupa ayam Sabana yg rasanya lazizzzz bgt, meskipun ayam Sabana gue dimakan sama kucing kampretkampungtodehsialan itu, akhirnya gue cuma makan mie ayam keju yg jelas ga kalah enaknya sama ayam Sabana...........sumpah ya gue jadi ngidam ayam Sabana gini-_- Key forget about ayam Sabana, btw habis itu ga lupa rutinitas setiap lagi ngumpul adalah.......main makeup2an!!!! =D Anyway, thankyou so muccch Rahinah for being my experiment model even just for 1day♥:p
aaaaand this is the final look......
TADAAAM!!! What a beautiful ladyyy♥♥♥ Sorry for "something" that really disturbing this photo on the back of Rahinah..... I really want to do something about your face, Ca. But I don't know what to do-_-v
Selesaaaai bercantik2 riaaa~ tadinya niatan bgt pengen jalan pas sore2nya, tapi apalah daya karena mager yg merajalela membuat kita akhirnya foto2 doang dikamar.........a lot of ngocol's photo, but that's why I'm laughing all the time whenever I seeing these pictures hahaha here it isss~
hahahaha what a funny momeeeent!!! I love laughing with them mostly♥
Permasalahan terbesar dalam hidup adalah pas udah know why? karena gue gatau dimana letakletak tombol lampu berada~great-_- Alhasil nyalain lampu cuma seadaadanya, lampu luar ga gue nyalain samasekali, kacrut itu yg namanya gelap, itu gelap bgt-__- Akhirnya kita pada ngegerumbuk dikamar sampe pertolongan datang.......gakdeng sebenernya cuma sampe anak2 cowonya pada dateng-_-v Nungguin mereka dateng itu bagaikan nungguin antrian sembako, lama bgt sampe udah pupus harapan</3 gakdeng itu lebay wkwk. Finallyyyyy, they arrived!!! Gue belom ganti hotpants daritadi siang, panik.....panik-_- Akhirnyaaaa, it's time for barbecue!!!! \=D/ Tapi apalah daya, gue rasa yg namanya trauma makan daging bakar2an gitu tetep bakalan hantuin gue sampe kapanpun.....alhasil gue ga nyentuh samasekali itu daging ayam yg "keliatannya" enak =""" its okay its okay, seenganya pas siang gue udah memenuhi kebutuhan perut gue yg slim ini B-)
OHYA! Almost forgeeeet, hereeee says a big HELLO for my Gaaals♥♥♥

Say Hi! to my favorite one.....Cajoon!
And give a lot of love to my Boo! Sahabat Babiiiih<3
And know, I love hugging anyone since I always did that to my Gals. Free hugs?;-}
last 'hugging' photo, I give a lot of love for this photo, don't know why but we're just like twins, ryt?♥
aaaaand HAPPYBIRTHDAY RenataPuninaaaa! Don't forget to make a wish and prove that you can make it become true Beb♥!
OHYA! btw, here's let me introduce my brobro~ hahaha
Here they areeee, Deka Agit! anyway, I called him Abang Metal! ;p next there is Smagistra Putra! and I called him Abang Reggae! ;p and the last one is.....Taufik Efendi! yapyap he's my Bebob of course♥;p
and of course another of my boys are here too!
lasssst, I'll introduce you to my beloved boys ever, yeah haha anyway he's my boyfie!♥
aww Beboooob♥♥:3
Buuuut, from all of that picture I have shown you. One of my mostly favorite pict is.........
YAAAA!!!! Xmm3 here we areeee!! nerricgistradekapikokevinkebotjastindevanoarisbencilpuninaqutihejikselikcajoonrahinahmarcelldony!♥♥♥
Even if this is just apart of Xmm3, and there's a lot of another that can't join us here. But we're having so much fun hereeee (especially for me :p) I just want to say thankyou veryveryveryverrrry muchoooo for all your participate. I always enjoyed every single time in my life with you guysss, and i'll never-ever regret that. Especially for my ladieeees, SKKL! I'll never thank enough for all of your kindness. You're really an angel in my lifeee♥♥♥ And of course for the boys, you're always be my knight♥:-)
Well yeah, i'll never getting bored yet by saying I love you guys, lovelovelovvvve forever love.
Aaaand this is Benazia Arsyi Syafira's writing, really hope all of you who's reading this right here right now are enjoyed and be so entertained... Don't forget to smile and spread the happiness! May Allah always bless you all... Have a nice day!♥;-}