Welcome to the World

I've a big announcement for you, Dorkies.. Bulan Ramadan ini emang bener-bener membawa berkah buat Fuhrer Family, terutama buat Kakak Pertama dan Mamas Ngiuk yg baru aja di anugerahi seorang putri cantik bernama Shafiyya Adzani Putri Hanifa, pada tanggal 24 Juni 2015 kemarin..
Welcome to the world, baby Shafiy. And of course, welcome to the Fuhrer Family! We've been waiting excitedly for you to come, and, well, here you are. Our little Princess that will be our trending topics for the next couple months, or more. "I'm officially became an aunt!" shout me loud in my heart. Gue bukan tipikal anak yg suka sama anak kecil. Apalagi cewe. Beeeuh.. But when the first time I saw baby Shafiy, well, you can tell, that's all so different. I fell in love, with her. She's so damn adorable! Jelas, ini pertama kalinya banget gue punya keponakan (secara langsung) bukan dari sepupu-sepupu gue, tapi dari Kakak gue sendiri.
Kita udah nunggu-nunggu banget momen kaya gini; Momen dimana kita punya anggota keluarga baru. Momen dimana (akhinya) Adolf Hitler dan Ibu Negara jadi Kakek dan Nenek. Momen dimana Abang Autis dan gue jadi Paman dan Bibi. Momen dimana Kakak Pertama dan Mamas ngiuk (officially) became a parents..

sehari sebelum Kakak Pertama melahirkan emang jadi masa-masa yg tegang banget, ya of course terutama buat Kakak Pertama sendiri yg ngerasain semuanya. Tapi imbasnya ya gitu, nyampe ke kita semua, bahkan sampe temen-temen guepun juga ikutan tegang ya hmm-_- Intinya sih, awalnya kita semua yakin Kakak Pertama bisa ngelahirin normal, begitupula kata dokternya. Dari mulai dia harus di induksi berkali-kali, sampe nungguin kontraksi, emang jadi masa-masa yg berat banget, terutama ya buat Kakak Pertama sendiri. At least, dia tau gimana rasanya perjuangan seorang Ibu buat ngelahirin Anaknya. Taruhannya hidup/mati kan... Tapi ya mungkin Allah punya rencana-Nya sendiri, Kakak Pertama akhirnya ngelahirin sesar. Tapi apalah arti sebuah sesar atau normal kalo pada akhirnya baby Shafiy bisa lahir dengan (alhamdulillah) sehat dan lengkap tanpa kurang apapun. Bahkan dengan tambahan cantik dan menggemaskan. Aaaa! >.<

Here is a little note for Kakak Pertama & Mamas Ngiuk. Well, this is a beautiful time in your life that you will never forget. The birth of your child is something that changes both of you indefinitely. Especially you, Sis. Living a life with you for like 18years was the best thing ever. You're my sister and will always be. Eventho' you're now a mommy. :p Having a new baby changes a wife and husband into a mommy and daddy. As you venture into parenthood together, you will become wiser and more mature.. In life, it is hard to count blessings in one hand. Today, you received one of the most coveted and special gifts any parent could ever have. May your new bundle of joy bring happiness into your life and fill a void in your heart. Take pride in loving and raising your little miracle, I know you guys will be the best dad and mom you can possibly be! :D Ohya! Now is the time to enjoy your baby’s little feet and baby smell. It will not be there forever, and so you should take as many pictures as possible! You don't want to miss a single precious moment, aren't you? :p

Welcome to the world, Shafiyya Adzani Putri Hanifa..

Let the life of this newborn baby be full of great achievements and success stories. I hope baby Shafiy will make all of us feel proud of her one day. Oh! and Dear baby Shafiy, be ready to get all of the love and pampering from your lucky parents! :D
Biben sending oceans of love to the newborn baby, Shafiyya. <3<3<3

Oya! Maaf juga ya Dorkies, perihal ini pula yg menyebabkan #DORKspecialRamadan tertunda untuk beberapa hari. :") But I just published a new episodes of that so don't missed that out or you can simply click on this link -> Taraweeh. And InshaAllah the Vlogs will be up soon! (I'm still workin' on it so hopefully it will be done asap). OOOO-oo-oooo, almost forget, atas nama Kakak Pertama dan juga Mamas Ngiuk, I wanna thank you all so much for the greetings and the prayers. Especially buat Key tentunya yg sudah berkunjung selama 2hari yayy! Thankiesss. <3 Dan lagi, terimakasih banyak kalian yg sudah mampir di postan kali ini! Anggep aja ini iklan diantara episode #DORKspecialRamadan yaa, xixixixi. Anyways, may Allah showering us with His blessings and InshaAllah I will talk to you guys again very soon! xx

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