Finally, Sixteen!♥

Alhamdulillahirrobbilalamin, terimakasih banyak yaAllah atas segala rahmat-Mu yg masih memberikan Hamba kehidupan untuk merasakan umur yg udah 16 ini yaAllah. Semoga bisa menjadi umur yg berkah, diberikan kehidupan yg lebih bermakna, sehat selalu dan bahagia dunia akhirat. Amiin yaAllah, amin yarrabbalalamin!!!o=) Ahhh, 16tahun udah ngerasain gimana pait2nya kehidupan dan manis2nya kenikmatan. Alhamdulillah bgt masih dikasih umur sama Allah, and I think that's the best present I ever got every year. I'm growing up! Thanks God, you gave me a lot of pleasure. And mostly, thanks for Your bounty because I still can celebrate my birthday with Dad, Mom, my Brother and Sister. Of course that's the best present from You.. I'm so thankful, God..
16 tahun terakhir ini, emang banyak banget yg udah gue alamin, banyak banget momen2 yg udah gue lewatin, and mostly, banyak banget kenangan yg udah tercipta. Dan alhamdulillah bgt masih dikasih kekuatan sama Allah buat ngelewatin itu semua, ngeresain gimana rasanya ketemu sama orang baru, dan ditinggal sama orang yg lama. A lot of things has changed. You, me, everybody. That's because we're growing up. Nothing-lasts-forever, even the little feelings that everybody had. That could changes by the time keep spinning, and you can't ever resist. Bersamaan dengan kita yg semakin grows up, kita mulai bisa ngebedain mana yg baik dan mana yg buruk. Tergantung dari segi pemikiran masing2. Kalo lo udah dewasa, pasti lo makin bisa ngebedain kedua hal itu. We're not changing! Kita cuma udah semakin sadar dengan apa yg harus dipertahanin dan mana yg harus ditinggalin. That's life, we're not just holding on with one thing. We've our own business. There's no old people and new people, we're all peoples! Just met in a different time. Life is just once, use it wisely, enjoy it and don't ever live this life by your own ego! We shared a lot of things, we don't live this life by our own-self. We need each other. I'm growing up, that's all. And that's not mean I leave everything I've been through behind, I mean, I've another life that I live. Semakin dewasa, pasti lo bakalan semakin ngerti mana yg harus lo pertahanin, dan mana yg bakalan berarti buat lo kedepannya. I know, we're not fully the same, we're different. We've the different feelings, habit, and everything. But, we're the same species, we're one in God's eyes. I think life is like, we're all in the same game, just in the different levels. Kita bakalan ngerasain apa yg orang lain udah rasain lebih dulu, kita ga selamanya bakalan ada diposisi yg sama. Roda kehidupan terus berputar. Gak selamanya kita diatas, dan ga selamanya kita terpuruk dibawah. Yes, we're teenagers. And yes, we just wanna having fun. Tapi, coba pikir lagi, emang bakalan selamanya kita terus seneng2 tanpa mikirin kewajiban kita yg lain? Masing2 dari kita pasti sama2 punya kewajiban yg kita sendiri lupa apa itu. So the point is, di umur gue yg ke 16 ini, pengen bener2 udahin yg namanya buang2 waktu buat hal yg emang ga terlalu penting buat akhirnya, yg banyak mudaratnya gitudeh. Sekarang udah aja pengen lebih fokus sama apa yg udah gue cita2in selama ini, pengen bisa ngebanggain Adolf Hitler sama Ibu Negara, bikin mereka berdua senyum dan ngerasa bangga sama gue aja itu udah bener2 bermakna banget buat hidup gue. Udah ga pengen deh yg namanya ngecewain mereka dengan kelakuan gue yg bener2 awkward banget selama ini. Ngeliat mereka yg cuma pengen anaknya jadi "orang" aja udah jadi suatu kebanggan tersendiri buat mereka. Udah ga ada lagi yg namanya ninggal2in sholat! Does not anyone scared about doomsday? because I do.. Siapa yg tau kiamat bakal terjadi kapan, dan siapa juga yg bakalan tau umur kita sampe kapan. So, sebelum semuanya bener2 terlambat dan kata "ashaduallaillahaillaullah wa ashaduanna muhammadarasullullah" udah gabisa terucap lagi, gue bener2 pengen yg namanya t-o-b-a-t, yap tobat. Buat apa nunggu momen yg pas buat tobat disaat tobat itu bisa dilakuin kapan aja, buat apa nunggu ntar kalo kita aja gatau ntar itu kita masih idup apa engga. Pengen ngehargain apa yg udah didapet sekarang dan lebih mensyukuri apa yg udah dikasih sama Allah..
Yeah I know, sometimes changing made someone think you're different than the old you. But trust me, if you're changing to be a better person, someday all of those people will realize and understand with what you're doing. Just fight for what you want, go changes yourself to be a better one! That's not always mean that changing is a bad things and really, I wish everybody will understand that I'm changing to be a better person, not because I'm arrogant or forget about the people who ever meant to my life, I'm so thankful to you guys, thanks for making me a better person, thanks for everything, I just can't do this without your support, your love.. I hope someday you'll know how much its meant to me, how much I wish you guys will understand. But, hey I'm not fully changing, I'm still a kid who have a big imagination about everything, eventhough i should have forget about that but, really? I sometimes live in my imaginations life just to make myself laugh whenever "real" life is so sucks to live, but I'M NOT CRAZY! for sure. Well, ok just stop doing something that wasting your time. Allah doesn't like people who wasted their life useless. Yes, I'm still 16th but yes, I've all of those thoughts. Its not always about the age that makes you older, its about the thought that makes you mature. Its not about the gender that makes us apart, its about the feelings that makes us think differently with the others. Its not about the popularity you've got now, its about who'll always by your side whenever life's makes you down.. Jangan pernah ngelupain Allah, karena Allah ga akan pernah lupa sama kita. Sekalinya Allah lupa sama kita, well, you're fucked. Selalu inget kalo Allah yg udah ngasih semua ini ke kita, Allah yg ngasih kita kehidupan, nafas, dan otak yg bikin kita bisa bertahan sejauh ini. Kehidupan abadi kita bukan di dunia, tapi di akhirat nanti. Bukannya mau jadi sok bijaksana or whatever is that. Cuma mengingatkan sesama kan apa salahnya.. Gue ga merasa diri gue yg paling bener apa gimana, we've all our mistakes! Kita ga pernah dan ga akan pernah jadi sosok yg sempurna, dimata Allah, maupun dimata sesama makhluk ciptaanya. Jangan pernah berfikiran negatif terhadap orang lain yg lebih rendah dibawah lo, we're all the same in God's eyes! Allah ga bakalan masukin kita ke Surga-Nya berdasarkan dari banyaknya harta dan popularitas yg kita punya, bukan dari banyaknya friends di Facebook dan followers di Twitter, bukan dari seberapa sempurna fisik kita, dan bukan berdasarkan seberapa tinggi derajat kita selama didunia. Tapi berdasarkan dari amal dan ibadah yg udah kita kumpulin selama ini di dunia.. Allah cuma mau kita selalu inget sama Dia, selalu mengerjakan apa yg udah diperintah sama Allah. Allah ga minta banyak kan, Allah cuma mau kita banyak2 beribadah, dan jauhin segala yg udah jadi larangannya. I know, talking is easy but to do it, that's a different story. Tapi itu dia balik lagi, namanya juga kita sama2 belajar kan buat jadi lebih baik lagi dan juga Allah lebih seneng kalo kita mencoba daripada cuma terus2an menikmati dunia tanpa pernah bersyukur dengan apa yg udah Allah kasih ke kita.....

Well, maybe that's all the short stories that I could shared......not too shorts maybe-_-v aaaaaaand yeah, let's have some fun hereeeee!!! Lets enjoy life with all the goooooood things. By the waaaaay, I would like to say, THANKYOU SOOOOO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU GUYS!!! Thankyou so damn much for the greetings and the wishes! Thankyou thankyou thankyouuuu! I wish you all the best too, guys! Many happy returns!!!!! Tons of love from Bencil! xoxoxo♥♥♥♥♥ Ahhh, that's a little own happiness that I have when you guys gave me that greetings&wishes! yeay! I'm not that alone to celebrate my 'lonely' birthday party anyway hahaha. My mom always told me to throw a party, but honestly, I'm not really like to celebrate a birthday party. Yeah you all knows that. I don't know why, but its kinda that's too awkward for me. When everybody sing you a birthday songs and you are just like staring at the cakes there and don't know what to do just sharing your awkward smile and.........that's so awkward for me-_____-
So, today I just have a breakfast at Cimory, Puncak, with Adolf Hitler, Ibu Negara, Kakak Pertama, and Abang Autis as always. Do the same routine every morning before we go, and feel so blessed because I know when God still gave me a life, I'm awake that morning, and knows that they're still here and celebrating my birthday morning routine with me.. I'm so thankful!. But a little sad because I got my period right on my birth-day and I can't pray as well. But, yeay I've got my birthday cake and It's a rainbow!\=D/
two cakes in a row!
I don't even like my "after wake" faces, its I think-_- So I just edited it,
HAHAHAHA yeah lol! Just don't know what I was thinking when editing this photos-_- and so yeah, Adolf Hitler sengaja ga ke kantor hari ini cuma buat ngerayain 1 hari penuh ulangtahun gue bareng2 keluarganya. What a real hero!♥ Kita nyampe di Puncak udah hampir jam 10an gitu dikarenakan Puncak yg selalu macet seperti biasa. :""""))) Akhirnya nyampe di Cimory dan kita makan2, ketawa2, sharing, cerita2, and many more. But as always there will be a photo session! yeay! hihi. So, here's a lil photos of us today!
and it seems like the nature is happy too today. Its look soooo beautiful!♥♥♥
aaaaand yap, that's all! Alhamdulillah we're having sooo much fun! Sempet ngerasa bete gitusih gara2 kebanyakan waktu abis cuma buat nungguin Kakak Pertama pulang kampus pas sorenya.. Asli bete, bete bgt malahan. >:O But then, Mas O cheers me up! ;D I called him and tell him everything about my day, and he told me not to upset, "cheer up, you should be so thankful to God because you still can celebrated it with your parents, your brother&sister. Many people out there can't feels that anymore, so just be happy!" He made me cry a little but then I'm laughing out loud with him. Thankyou so much for your advice, Mas. What a mood-booster♥
Well then, once again, thankyou sooo much for everything guys, for the greetings and the wishes, and for reading these posts. You'll never know how much it really made my day♥♥♥ And yeay happy sweet16th to me! May Allah always bless me, you, and everybody! Amin yarrabbalalamin! See ya next posts guys! xoxo♥