The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed.

Well, friends? It'll be a never ending stories if we're telling about that. Friends, it's not a thing. I mean, hey what's on your mind if you're talking about friends? Is it different with a 'best friends'? well, that's the big question. The point is, you can have soooo many much friends, but for finding a best friends, it's such a big deal. Best friends, it's like '1001'. It's just like they're limited edition for someone. Well, I will begin this topic with my true story like usual.
Ummm... Hey my name is Benazia Arsyi Syafira. I'm 15 and I'm so thankful because God give me a lot of lovely people on my own atmosphere. Well sounds like my life is full of something that myself doesn't even know what's the problem of my life. That's why God gives me a family who used to be loving me with all they hearts for the rest of my life. But, will you live for the rest of your life just only with your family? Hm, i guess no. Cause, what's the purpose of your life when you have no friends to live with. To share a lot of things. To spend your boring time with. To do everything with. That what friends used to be, right? seems like, I'm not the type of a person who really like social.
Jujur, waktu pas SD gue bukan tipe orang yg suka bergaul, ansos bgtdeh. Kalo mau kenalan sama orang pokoknya harus orang itu duluan yg negor, barudeh lama kelamaan bisa ngobrol. Bukannya sombong apa gimana, tapi ya gitulah gue. Susah bgt kayanya buat bergaul. Biasalah emang bukan anak gaul-_- Tapi seriusdeh, dulu gue masih ga terlalu ngerti sama masalah sebuah 'pertemanan'. Yup, sukur2 alhamdulillah pas kelas 6 mulaideh bisa bergaul dan alhamdulillah bgt bisa banyak yg kenal. Mulaideh masuk SMP, niatannya sih pengen ngerubah dan mau cari temen sebanyak2nya. And there is it, that's the first time when i met my best friends that i used to called it with my first best friends ever! That's the first time when i met Lisa Pricilla Sianturi, or we usually call her with Lijek. Yaps. I love her so fckn! Pas awal kelas 1 sih emang gue belom kenal dia banget, yah biasalah gamau kenalan duluan-_- Akhirnya pas kelas 2 nih, dia kenal gue dan masalahnnya gue masih belom tau dia itu siapa (-_-v) And finally, we are being so close because of Science lesson. Yap. Awalnya masih temen kelas biasa, tapi lama kelamaan jadi duduk barengan. Dan, mungkin kita sama2 ngerasa punya banyak kesamaan. Day by day, we are being more more more close. Till we are being K-Samoco. Yap, my first gank. hahaha sounds so funny but my past make me who i am today. Seriusdeh, masalalu itu sebenernya ga seburuk apa yg film2 bilang. Ga semua masalalu itu pait. Dan ga semua masalalu itu pedih buat dikenang. Well, at least your past will bring a lot of happiness, right? Yasih, emang gabaik kalo selalu nginget2 masalalu, yg lalu biarlah berlalu.. Yap, setelah ikutan K-Samoco dan blablabla, i finally found my real best friend.... yap, she is. she is my best friends. and i love her so bad. Kenapa gue bisa bilang dia sahabat gue? karena, kita punya banyak kesamaan dan.... ya as the person who know her most, awalnya dia itu bagaikan wanita kelakilakian, bgt malahan. Dia selalu ngelindungin gue dengan gayanya yg preman parah. Kita sama2 teledor, pelupa, sama2 gasuka sayur, bedanya dia lebih brutal dan gue kalem o='3 tiaphari kita bbman, dari hal yg penting sampe ga penting bgt pasti kita kasih tau..... But then..... awal masuk SMA sih masih yaaa kabar2an lah, tapi makin kesini gue makin ngerasa kita jauh. Bukan, bukan sekolahnya yg jauh. Tapi kita nya..... Now, she's became a 'real girl' yeah you know, hot pants, softlens, powder, lipstick, and whatever is all the girls thing. Now she is wearing all of that..... What would i say? I'm so happy!!!! yeah seriously, seeing my best friends changing to positive side? that's a brilliant idea! right? of course. I don't know how to explain this but, I feel so wonderful when we are together, she always make me alive. gak, gak lebay. I miss her so much, so fucking much. =""( She used to be here when i feel so fucking random, sad, happy, or whatever. She used to be here!!!! ="((( How could i tell her....... But, day by day has passed and i just enjoyed my life everyday. Now I'm in my 3rd gank. don't know how to tell this, it's such a long stories. Met sooo many kind of person, i called them my friends :"---) Such a wonderful friends, but in there..... You know, i'm the only one girl in there. And the rest of it, just a lot of amazing guy hahaha. Seriously, they're handsome and so charming. They bring me a lot of happiness, especially Rafi, Puri and Aldut. ya knooow haha, these three guys, bring me a lot of something that i can't even explain this. Love, Laugh, Cry, Sad, Happiness, and so many more feelings that just....making me grow grow grow day by day, we called ourselfs by 4 sekawan! yeaay! =D they just like my real brothers. I love them, so damn in love with them. no, i wouldn't can explain it. i just love them so much...... Btw, hey now i'm grade 2 in senior high school. I bet no one will guess it-_- In here, yap, in this senior high school, i met a loooot of kind person, so thankful they're a girl hahaha. Yeah, i'm in love with them. I used to called it, my 'wecewece' hahaha sounds funny. At first, yeah my habit, gue masih seorang anak kalem dan gatau apa2 hahaha, but about 3 months later, gue mulai kenal siapa mereka sebenernya. Renata Punina, Fatin Dwi Saputri, Anisa Arandini, Albarru Rhezy Prima Sejati, Selly Nuraida, Raina Fitri, and Galatia Adella. Just call them Punina, Qutih, Cajoon, Ejik, Selik, Rahinah, and Dellaw. I know i know that's just a weirdos names, but that's a lovely nickname that we used to call them with hahaha. You never know and i never ever can explain how much i love these girls. Funny, soooo funny, i'm glad i found them. Thanks God, i'm so thankful you bring me those 7 angels. And the rest of it, i just met another funny guys in my first journey in high school, XMM3, i love you guys!!<3<3<3

Well, mungkin gue bakal sedikit lebih banyak ngebahas tentang 4sekawan kali ini. Wait, "sedikit lebih banyak"........(mind=blown) -_____- Yeah, em-pat-se-ka-wan! Julian Reynaldo, Hanif Bagaskara & Rafiardi Wahidyan H. I called them Aldut, Purihskih, and Rafi. Well, these three boys. Nope, they aren't a boys, they're a man who protect me, always. Mereka layaknya abang gue, justru gue rasa mereka lebih dari sekedar Abang Autis. Mereka udah gue anggep kaya abang kandung gue sendiri. I don't know how to tell them how much i love them. Words never ever-ever can describe how much i love them. never. They just like, like my new world, my new dreams, my everything.....No, no, seriously, ini gak lebay. Karena lo tau? gue nemuin arti kata "sahabat" yg sesungguhnya dari diri mereka masing2. God brings me a miracles, may life be so damn unfair but i always believe that God always do the fairest thing for me and for the rest of my life... This 3 man, they always know what i needed the most. They're different. When i feel so damn random, when i feel so fuckin sad, they're just like my reaaaaaaaaal moodbooster i ever have! Every Saturday night is the best time to spend it with them, adventuring, hang out or whatever we supposed to do. Sharing all the weirdos story thing, let them hear my fuckin' absurd voice when they're playing One Direction's songs, and the special thing that not everyone can have is, they just let me be myself.....That's the most important things about "bestfriends" yap, let me be myself. And, they just accept who's the real i am. that's-the-most-important-thing... Always get home lately, and make that night is the best night ever. I don't know how to thank them. It feels like I never good enough for them when they're be the most important thing to my life and they just always be the perfect persons in my life....I will never be good enough for them.... God, if Aldut, Puri and Rafi read this post right now, I just want to tell them, "Hey you my 3 special man, I'm so thankful cause God brought you guys into my life. Thankyou for always be there when everything sucks. Thanks for being the most important human in my life. Thankyou so much for always take care of me. So thanks for always be there to hear my random story. Thanks because of you guys i learn how to grow up day by day for solving all my fuckin' problem. Thankyou so damn much for all your patiently to be in here with me....Sorry for being so damn annoying. Sorry for being an unperfect kids even if i know nobody's perfect. So sorry for always make you guys disappointed because of me.... I never want to make all of you be disappointed because of me, i'm so sorry =( I just don't want to lose you guys, i just don't want that things happen to me. It feels like if i lose you all, what's the purpose of my life? I don't have any reason to live anymore, rite? ="( I love you guys more than Tommy love Reptar, Zombies love blood and human's meat, Hitler love his mustache and leadership. More-than-anything-i-ever-loved. I-LOVVEEEE-YOU-GUYS-SO-FUCKIN-MUCCCH!!!!" Just let them know how much i love&miss them so much yaAllaaah, tell them i don't ever want to lose them. I miss how close we are. I miss telling them my random stories. I miss laughing with them. I miss being so innocent when they just start talking thing i don't even know. I don't want they changed into someone i don't even know anymore....please God just don't let it happen i'm begging you ="""( yeahyeah ok, hah. If only they will read this.................nothing is impossible right? ;"}