end of the month!

Yeay welcome back to D.O.R.K, Buddies! Jadi ceritanya hari ini gue pengen nge repost lagi tentang "Life" Gatausih post-an ini gue temuin di blog gue yg satunya lagi, tapi karna blog itu udah ga keurus so gue repost lagi disini. Well tanpa banyak bacot, here we go!
Hmm, pernah gak sih kalian ngerasa diri kalian paling beda diantara semua orang2 terdekat kalian? Pernah gak sih kalian ngerasa apa aja yg kalian lakuin selalu salah dimata mereka? Yup, gue rasa itu hal ter-nyebelin dalam hidup... Siapasih orang2 terdekat kalian? Jawaban secara logika pasti ya keluarga. Kenapa? Kita udah bertahun2 hidup sama mereka, dan ya emang seharusnya mereka harus udah ngerti gimana kita yg sebenernya. Tapi, gimana kalo mereka malah bilang, "dari semua kakak2 kamu, cuma kamu yg paling beda dari mereka. Gak ada yg bisa ngertiin kamu karena kamu emang yg paling ga bisa ditebak.." Gue tau itu random... Karena disaat lo percaya cuma keluarga yg bisa ngertiin gimana lo, tapi mereka malah bilang kaya gitu.. Gue rasa itu salah, karena mereka yg seharusnya bisa ngertiin selukbeluk sifat lo dari cara lo ngomong sama mereka, mungkin gue emang tipe orang yg gak terbuka, apa2 gue pendem dan gapernah cerita ke mereka, karena gue tau kalo gue cerita, gue malah bikin mereka makin kesel... Sebenernya bukan kesel, tapi gimana ya, jawaban solusi mereka itu ga kaya apa yg gue mau. Maka dari itu, grow-up! Itu hal terpenting yg harus kita lakuin supaya bisa beradaptasi sama mereka. Kalo kalian bukan tipe orang yg terbuka sama keluarga kalian, coba deh buat mulai share segala yg pengen kalian ungkapin. Trust me, meskipun mereka emang selalu ga kaya apa yg ada dipikiran kalian, but they will always listening and try so hard to understanding you guys.. Daripada kalian pendem, malah yg ada kena penyakit hati and another effects that you'll get in the future kalo kalian tetep mendem itu semua. Mungkin emang terkadang ada sebuah masalah yg ga harus lo ceritain dan harus lo selesain sendiri.. Tapi apa salahnya untuk mulai berbagi, meskipun kadang punya kakak yg SUPER nyebelin-_- but trust me, kadang mereka juga bisa ngebantuin ngasih solusi buat masalah kalian, dan kadang juga solusi mereka ga semuanya beda kan sama pemikiran kalian? Cobadeh buat memperbaiki hubungan kalian sama keluarga, buat kalian yg masih punya orangtua lengkap coba deh buat banyak2 ngabisin waktu sama mereka, liat tuh ubannya udah makin banyak, mereka udah ga lagi muda kaya kalian, ga selamanya lo bakal ngebentak2 mereka, dan ga selamanya juga lo bisa dapet kasih sayang dari mereka. Buat yg singleparents, cobadeh buat ngeringanin beban mereka, mereka masih punya tanggung jawab buat ngebahagiain kalian dan gue rasa itu adalah tantangan buat mereka supaya ga bikin anaknya kecewa... Apa salahnya kan ngebantuin pekerjaan mereka tanpa harus minta imbalan? Toh mereka ngebiayain hidup kalian dari kecil ga minta imbalan kan? Coba deh buat ga ngebantah sama apa yg mereka kasih tau ke kalian, omongan orangtua itu pasti bakal selalu jadi kenyataan kalo kita bantah. Kalo orangtua udah bilang jangan keluar rumah, sepenting apapun urusan kalian diluar rumah, gue saranin sih jangan keluar. Soalnya, rata2 dari mereka yg ngebantah omongannya dan tetep batu buat keluar rumah, pasti ada aja musibah yg didapet selama perjalanan. Akhirnya kalian sendiri juga yg ngebahayain hidup kalian.. Gue yakin, senyebelin apapun sifat mereka, mereka cuma mau yg terbaik buat anaknya. Omongan mereka sekarang bukan cuma buat sekarang, tapi buat kalian juga kedepannya dan gue tau bgt apapun yg udah mereka kasih tau dulu, bakal berguna bgt buat gue sekarang, and that's all true. It's like they're my real heroes, ever... Mereka marah2 bukan karena emang pengen marah, mereka marah2 karena khawatir sama kalian. Mereka cerewet bukan karena emang bawel, mereka cerewet karena emang itu kalimat terpenting yg harus mereka ungkapin buat kalian. Susah emang buat kita nurut sama orangtua disaat umur kita yg emang cuma pengen having so much fun sekarang tanpa mikir kedepan. Yup. Everything have a process. Ini namanya proses pendewasaan diri. "Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone" So, mulaideh buat care sama yang udah kita milikin sekarang, open your eyes and look around! your life isn't that bad. Gue tau kehilangan emang hal tersulit untuk dilawan dengan ikhlas, karena seikhlas apapun kita namanya hati ga akan pernah bisa diboongin kalo emang udah terlanjur sayang. But, liat kedepan dan jangan nyerah gitu aja! Lo masih tetep bisa ngejalanin hidup lo dengan orang2 yg bisa bikin lo tambah bahagia kan? Lo bukan manusia seorang diri di dunia, you have so many friends & people who you love and love you back out there! Diluar sana masih banyak orang yg emang hidupnya lebih lebih....."arrrgh" daripada lo. Tapi, mereka tetep mau kok ngejalanin hidup ini, karena mereka percaya there's sunshine behind that pain, there's good time behind that pain... and when you get rid of the wrong things, remember the right things just start to happen! :-) So, mulaideh buat care sama apa yg udah kita milikin sekarang, jangan nyesalin itu semua setelah apa yg lo punya pergi dan penyesalan itu dateng lagi. Dan apapun yg udah berlalu, jadiin perlajaran aja buat hidup kalian aja kedepannya. Let the past be your teacher, and let your future be your shining light. Jangan terlalu lama buat disesalin, toh emang dengan semakin lama lo menyesali segala yg udah berlalu dan lo selalu nyalahin diri lo, nyia2in segala air mata lo itu bakal ngerubah masalalu dan ngebuat segalanya jadi lebih baik? Engga kan? You only live once dude. I believe you have your shiny future in your hands, you will have every-little-thing you want if you never give up! Believe believe believe! Life's not your hell, life have a beautiful things if you want to change every bad thoughts on your deepest mind.. So, just stop thinking about your past! You'll never get a better tomorrow if you always thinking about yesterday. Someone always told me to just "let it flow" and I just realize, now I'm getting ready to face my future. Emang ga segampang itu buat ngeraih segalanya yg lo pengen, pasti disetiap jalan ada aja cobaannya. Take it easy, semuanya udah diatur kok sama Tuhan masing2 :--) Just enjoy every problem that we have. Face it with your beautiful-bright-shiny-glowy-perfect-sweety smile you ever have! What you're waiting for? Go meet your Mom/dad/sis/bro whoever people you really really love, and say "I LOVVVE YOU!" And give them your special kiss! I know isn't that easy but that's all what you've to do everyday to start your day and reach your perfect future! Ungkapin rasa sayang kalian sebelum semua itu bener2 terlambat dan yg ada ujung2nya si penyesalan dateng lagi! Jangan cuma ngomong kalian sayang sama mereka tapi gapernah nunjukin rasa sayang kalian ke mereka, Itu sama aja kaya kalian pake baju tapi ga pake celana, per-cu-ma! GO GO GO! Share your love with them, trust me it'll make everything feels better! =D  Come on guys, say it loud! I-LOOOOVE-YOU! And don't forget to always bring your smile everyday, everywhere, everytime of your life with you! Don't leave it useless! =D XOXOXO!<3<3<3
Well, ehem ok, cukup berunyu-unyu nya ya buddies, let's get real. Life is just once. You've to through it, or just go die useless. Reach what you want even if it'll takes everything. Fight for it and don't ever give up before you get that point! Life is a difficult assignment. We are fragile creatures, expected to function at high rates of speed, and asked to accomplish great and small things each day. These daily activities take enormous amounts of energy. Most things are out of our control. We are surrounded by danger, frustration, grief, and insanity as well as love, hope, ecstasy, and wonder. Being fully human is an exercise in humility, suffering, grace, and great humor. Things and people all around us die, get broken, or are lost. There is no safety or guarantees. The way to accomplish the assignment of truly living is to engage fully, richly, and deeply in the living of your dreams. We are made to dream and to live those dreams. If you still have a parents, go make them proud. Don't just spread your fake promises. I know a quotes that usually been used or shared as a picture that said, "mom, dad, someday i will make you proud. I promise!" or something like that. No offense ya. I mean, come on pals, what will gonna happen if you just talk without proving it!? Don't just dreams cause when you wake up, you'll just have to live these fuckin' reality without having an ability to through it. Open your eyes pals, open it! We live just once and let's make the best for it!
Anyway, talk about dreams, hmm...let me tell you something, well, I believe in everything until it's disproved. So, I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in my mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? And people who don’t dream, who don’t have any kind of imaginative life, they must… they must go nuts. I can’t imagine that. I mean, dreaming isn't all about sleeping. I'll never waste my dreams by falling asleep. Never again. YES, you may say i'm the freakiest 'teenager' girl that still living my imaginations for real, but, how if i say, I am a dreamer. Seriously, I'm living on another planet. Would you believe that? Well, I bet you wouldn't. You've got to have a dream, if you want to have a dream come true. Right? And........ok, this is getting more random everytime i tried to end this post.......well, there is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; is that the fear of failure. So, all our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them. Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. Well then, keep trying pals. I believe, we all can do something more and more if we keep trying and never give up before we reached that things. Remember, good things come to those who wait; but the best things come to those who try.. Goodluck, Buddies!
Aaaaaaand, thankyou so much for reading this post! May Allah always bless us and inshaAllah will talk to you again next post! Ayay, Capt!;D Remember,