Boo, October!

Still can't believe its been the first day of new month.......again!? Times really gone so fast, or maybe it has an extra turbo...:-| Ok whatever. Anyways, welcome back to D.O.R.K, Buddies! Glad to know you're reading these post right now! How are ya guys? Well, hopefully everything's ok.. And well, Hello our belovely, October!!! Alhamdulillah, we met again.. ;-)
So for today's post I'd like to just flashback about what clearly happened in my life from the first day of September. Well, berhubung di post-an bulan September kemaren gue sibuk ngepost tentang A Trip To Aceh dan ga kelar2 sampe sekarang(-_-v) makadariitu, lets flashback! Balik ke awal bulan dan kita liat apa aja yg udah terjadi dari tanggal 1 sampe 30 kemaren. Ehem, lets see... Pas pertengahan bulan Agustus gue cacar dan menyebabkan Mas O, Abang Autis dan Kakak Pertama juga ikutan kena cacar...BUKAN GARA2 GUE!!!!! Asli masih ga terima banget terus2an disalahin gara2 penyakit cacar-_- "3orang sekaligus?!" that's what they said.. Kurang petaka apa coba:""" Dan alhamdulillah-nya, gue sudah sembuh, dan merasa benar2 sembuh tanggal 3 September pas mulai masuk sekolah lagi. Wohooo! Menyenangkan sekali sudah terlepas dari penyakit yg bisa membuat kita merasa seperti monster itu.. Terimakasih yaAllah:"""3 aaaaaaaaaaaand for the rest of the month, my day was clearly flat and nothing special do really happened...:"3 Dan mulai merasa special lagi pas tanggal 25 yaitu 7bulanan sama Mas O (Hooray!!!), dan tepat tanggal 30 September kemaren, my beloved partner a.k.a Raina Fitri, was celebrated her sweety 17th!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAHINAH!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaa i'm so happy for you, Na!!! If you wondering who's my partner, she's my "Camerawoman" partner since we're following a video's competition, lebih tepatnya pas Hari Anak Nasional. Also, she's a part of SKKL, too! Here she is, my beauty bestiest
Ihiiiiw :$ Wishes buat Rahinah, semoga di umur yg "katanya" udah dewasa ini lo bisa bener2 nunjukin sifat lo yg emang udah dewasa, jadi anak yg sholeh dan berbakti kepada orangtua, semoga apa yg lo impikan bisa segera terwujud, yg pasti sih semoga cepet dapet kekasih hati, makin sayang sama SKKL, makiiiiin makin setia menjadi partner guehhh dan harus wajib kudu mesti selalu dan semakin sabar setiapkali gue lagi story-telling hahahaha :p OHYA! Dan harus banget tepatin janji lo yg katanya kalo lo udah dapet KTP&SIM kita bakalan jalan2 ngebolang2 dan nemenin gue bikin film! Awas ajelu:p Pokoknya semua yg terbaik insyaAllah selalu Benazia Arsyi Syafira doakan untukmu, mwah!♥♥♥♥♥({})<3
Well, tadinya sih gue gamau ceritain 1 hal lagi tentang apa yg terjadi di bulan September kemaren, cuma kayanya ini adalah suatu hal yg patut buat gue ceritain...... Sorry to tell this, but, I lost Zeus&Mufasa in a different day...... I'm sorryyyyy:"( Really hard for me to say this, I really love them, I swear to God from my deepest heart, I do really love them for the rest of my life:"""( I feel like they're more than a pet. Masih inget banget gimana waktu itu gue ngepost pengen banget pelihara mereka, suatu perjuangan abadi banget buat ngedapetin mereka. Dari mulai nabung, mati2an minta izin sama Adolf Hitler & Ibu Negara, minta tolong Adolf Hitler buat nganterin ngambil mereka di daerah yg super macet dan bisa dibilang jauh, rela2in ga jajan sebulan buat ngebeliin kebutuhan mereka darimulai kandang sampe makanan, pokoknya...............aaaaaaah gatau mau ngomong apaaaaaaa, all i could say is, gue bener2 nangis ngejer banget parah pas tau mereka udah ga bernyawa.....ARRRRGH!!! udahlahyaaaaa:"""" Pokoknya, udah bener2 kapok buat pelihara2 binatang lagi, at least sampe ntar gue udah nikah dan punya rumah sendiri, barudeh mau pelihara anjing (HOYEEE!!!;3) Astaghfirullaaaaah-_-v Ya pokoknya udahdeh cukup Zeus&Mufasa yg terakhir, they're such a wonderful Guinea Pigs I ever had... You guys now are in a much more better places, I can imagine how you guys could run freely without feeling so worried about any other predator that'll eat you anymore, I'm sure you both are now in heaven, eating a lot of fresh grass and vegetables just like what you both always wanted... I'm so sorry can't take a good care of you, at least I've tried so hard not to lose you both.. Hope you guys rest in a deep peace and please remember that I'll always remember you and will always love you two, Zeus, Mufasa...
So cute, aren't they? Yup, life must go on, isn't it? ehe..
Anywayssssss, wishes for October, well, i just wishing for the best of this month. Nothing else, just.....the best:"""") Want to know what makes me really excited about October? Its because it'll be a new season of The Walking Dead!!!!!! AAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I'm so much excited and can't even wait any more longerrrr!!!>< Ohya btw, I just uploaded 2 new videos on my YouTube Channel! Make sure to subscribe and don't forget to give a thumbs up!!!:D Here's my YouTube Channel -> Bencil25. Enjoooooy! ;D
And yup, I think that's all for today's post.. Thankyou sooo much for reading! Hopefully you're always enjoyed reading my blog as well as I writing it. Anyway, Happy October, Buddies! See ya next posts! xx♥