A Trip To NanggroeAcehDarussalam☪ (Pt.1)

Ayay, Capt! Welcome back!!! So glad to knows that you're now reading these posts! I'm so so so thankful♥ Well, how's your holiday? I wish you guys having the-best-ever-holiday....ever! Umm, mine? Aaaargh, its more than just awesome...! All I could say is.....I had a lot of fun in Aceh and that was sooooo fantastic!!! \=D/ Yeah eventhough its always been 'school' whose broke my paradise</3 Ohyeah! By the way, seems like I've bring a lot of stories hereeee, and feels so much excited to tell it to all of you my Buddies! :D Of course this stories belong to the adventures that I had since I'm in Aceh. Ah yes, my beloved hometown♥
Bisa dibilang Aceh ga banyak berubah semenjak 3 tahun terakhir gue kesana. Well maybe a lil' bit... The Mosques are still beautiful as usual. The weather's not too hot, but still hot, plus a lil' windy, and sometimes its rainy in the afternoon... But that's ok. And the view is more than amazing! :") Honestly, I wanted to stay in there...I do really wanted!!! Banyak bgt tempat2 menarik buat dijadiin objek fotografi. Banyak bgt tempat buat berpetualang. Banyak juga objek wisatanya. Banyak bgt kuliner2 khas Aceh-nya. And there's still more and more and more and more!!! Aaaah I love these places, I love these city, Its still have the traditional sides that I wish will always be there. I love everything about Aceh, and all I could say is........gue bangga jadi orang Aceh. :""") Planningnya sih pengen juga gitu ngelanjutin kuliah disana, tinggalnya sama kakak sepupu gue gitu di daerah Simpang Tiga. Buka bisnis disana gitukan lumayan ya... Pokoknya pikiran2 kaya gitu tuh udah melintas gitu deh di pikiran gue, dan juga ini berkat bujuk maut dari kakak2 sepupu gue yg ada disana-_- Adolf Hitler nyerahin segala keputusan di tangan gue, jadi ya dia ngebebasin gue mau kuliah dimana juga terserah yg penting anaknya berpendidikan gitu.. Well, jalanin dulu aja kaliya apa yg harus dijalanin sekarang, biarin gimana kedepannya semuanya juga pasti udah diatur dan dibikin jalan ceritanya kok sama Allah, berdoa aja supaya dapet yg terbaik dan yg paling baik gitukan...Amiin!o:-)
OOOOOOKAY! Bisa dibilang itu hanya 'sedikit' gambaran tentang gimana kesan gue selama disana. As I ever told you, gue sudah mendokumentasikan tentang apa aja yg gue lakuin selama kurang lebih 10hari disana dari tanggal 5-15 Agustus. Well, lebih tepatnya mungkin film ini akan dibagi menjadi lebih kurangnya 10part, sehubungan untuk mempersingkat waktu durasi gitudeh~ Oke, sedikit alur cerita aja nihya. Jadi di part pertama ini menceritakan dari awal pas gue dirumah, persiapan2nya, di bandara, nyampe disana, dan buka puasa disana... Yup, gue sempet ngerasain 2 hari puasa disana dan itulah hari pertama gue ngerasain suasana buka puasa disana (meskipun pas itu posisinya gue lagi ga puasa, ya know, girls thing~-_-).
Soooo here it is, the first part of "A Trip To Aceh"! Enjooooy~!:D

Hooray! That's all for the part 1 of A Trip To Aceh! Make sure you check out the next part of A Trip To Aceh for more adventures with me!!! Here's a link to my YouTube Channel for more videos -> Bencil25 (just click it and it'll bring you to my YouTube Channel)
Yippieeee!!! \=D/ i'm so excited and i don't know why.... i love you guys, really, i love you.... thankyou so damn much for all of your attention and time, you might be so patient watching and reading these post, but i do really appreciate it :""") So here's a little presents for you, I took these photos when i was on the airplane. Check this out.....
Anyway, thankyou so much for your support guys! Just a friendly reminder to not to forget to catch up my next posts and watch the next part of "A Trip To Aceh" for lots of adventure with me! :D InsyaAllah i'll see ya next posts, Buddies! May Allah always bless us♥