Blessed Up January!

Ahem, before explaining all of the things that happened back then, I'd like to give my neverending thanks to my Lord, Allah S.W.T., yg tanpa seizin-Nya, gue gabisa ngerasain rasanya menghirup nafas di tahun 2015. Beside, my deepest condolences goes to all of the passengers and the crews family of AirAsia QZ8501 (If you don't know, just google it.)

Aaaand here we go... HELLO 2015!!!!! Asli ga kerasa banget udah tahun baru lagi aja, padahal baru kemaren... ahsudahlah, boong banget kalo gue bilang "ga kerasa". The truth is, I experiencing all-of-the-new-thing on 2014. Let's have a #throwback from what was happened in my life dari awal bulan Januari - Desember 2014. Ehem... *bacain postan lama* .... Well, seriously, i had the best 2014 ever! I mean, really? Lulus SMA dengan nilai yg cukup memuaskan sekali, turned into 17th, masuk kuliah, met a lots of new people, got a lot of lessons of life by my own experiences, and..... I guess that's that, but that's all mean so much to me. Oya! Count this in, going on a trip with Adolf Hitler & Ibu Negara and the last thing, seeing my sister getting married was the best of all! Ya meskipun ada beberapa hal yg "mungkin" membuat 2014 sedikit susah untuk dilalui. Masalah....hati, perhaps? *eaaa. Hahaha but seriously, that's doesn't really matter to me. Beside, banyak hal yg bisa gue jadiin pembelajaran dari itu semua. Sorry for all the broken pieces that I couldn't fix, maafkan bila ada kesalahan dimasa lampau yg mungkin menyakiti beberapa pihak.. I swear it's all happened because I was Khilaf. o:"-) Kalo kata orang-orang mah, "buka lembaran yg baru, lembaran yg lalu jangan dibuka-buka lagi, bosen bacanya." sebenernya itu bukan kata orang-orang sih, tiba-tiba aja itu barusan muncul di otak gue HAHAHA :"""). Well, malem taun baruan kemaren emang ga kaya malem taun baru 2tahun kemaren, yes, I know I got a lot of fun could be able to be with my boys. Such a quality time, I know I know... Malem taun baruan kemaren gue dirumah aja gitu ngegabut. Sebenernya sih awalnya pengen taun baruan gitu diluar, tapi apalah daya ya kan sepertinya hujan tidak mengizinkan gue meninggalkan Abang Autis malem taun baruan sendiri dirumah. Akhirnya udahdeh malem taun baruannya delivery Pizza sambil nontonin kembang api.... di TV. Hahaha udah gitu bener-bener deh habis nontonin kembang api terus jam 1an langsung tidur, berkesan sekali-_-
OKAY, just leave all of that behind and moving on to "where I've been for all of this time". Yup. Sungguh aku rindu sekali ngeblog, tapi apalah daya, kuliah mengambil semua waktu yg kupunya untuk menulis lagi disinih... :"< I actually can't blame all of the things that happened because of my "college life". Tapi kenyataannya memang begitu.. "Oh jadi gini rasanya kuliah.." 1 kata, CAPEK! Bayangin ajanihya, bolak-balik Jakarta-Bekasi, udah gitu belom lagi kalo jadwal pulang jam setengah 5, kalo udah barengan sama Adolf Hitler nih nyampe rumah bisa jam 7an. Gila kali 2jam lebih sendiri dijalan.. OHYA LUPA, gaboleh ngeluh gaboleh ngeluh... :"> I remember Adolf Hitler always said, "Jalanin aja dulu yg sekarang. Dimana-mana juga orang tuh bersusah-susah dulu, barudeh habis itu bisa lebih menghargai hal-hal kecil yg bikin seneng." The point is, enjoy the little things. ;-)

Ngomongin tentang New Years ga lengkap kalo ga ngomongin tentang resolution juga. Well, lets see what's my last year resolution... Umm, based on my last new year's post I should...
1. Enjoying my life. Check!
2. Mind my own business. Check!
3. Use my mouth more carefully., no, no. To be honest, I haven't using my mouth more carefully.. :-/
4. Live my life with appreciation. Still on process...
5. Stop comparing my life with others. Check!
6. Do myself a favor and forgive. Yes, check!
7. Love my self. For every-second of my life. Check!
8. Accept that not everyone will like me. Yep, of course. Check!
9. Give more and receive more. InshaAllah still on process. o:-)
10. Teach to learn, learn to teach. Well, will always be a process I guess..
11. Don't worry. I'm a person who got worried easily. But last year, I'm not too worries even about the little things. So yea, check!
12. Let go of my past. CHECK!!! *gasantai*
13. Make mom&dad proud. Still-on-process. :")
Well, yea, at least I've done most of the resolutions, right? :-\ Relax, everything else are still on process. Just remember something, everything need a process ryte? :p
Resolusi buat tahun ini? Umm.... Banyak sih sebenernya, cuma gapapalahya disebutin aja gitu biar inget... *padahal ga ngaruh* -_- Ehem okenihya resolusi/goals buat tahun 2015 ini...
Eat healthier! Yes, I just can't stop eating junk&instant foods. "Apapun dimakan yg penting kenyang." Motto yg sangat-teramat tidak baik-_- I remember a quote that said, "you're what you eat." So if I keep eating "junk" food, that means I'm........ a junk?-____-
Be more with those who really matter. Because you know, buat apa buang-buang waktu sama orang yg ga penting. Bahkan sama orang yg ga nganggep kita penting.
Being my own bestfriend. Kalo bukan diri sendiri, siapa lagi? I mean, yea there must be anyone, but, I should be more closer to "my own self". Should trust myself more, know myself more, know my good&bad more, etc.
Do (more) the things I love. Blogging, Youtubeing, reading, sketching, MORE!!!
Stay in touch with long distanced friends. Well, not "just" stay in touch, I wanted to meet them all again!!!
Be organized. I love organizing thing. But seems like my life haven't organized well. Yea I should re-organizing my life so I know where to "go"!
Enjoy life more. Gue inget banget dulu temen gue selalu bilang, "let it flow". Yes, the first step to enjoying my life is to let-all-of-the-things-flow.
Do crazy things! The things that will make people shout, "gila lo ya!"
 Take chances. "You'll never know if you never try." So, take a chances!

Well yeaaaa, I guess that's all for today's post. Semogaaaa, tahun 2015 ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan masih bisa ngejalanin tahun ini dan tahun-tahun berikutnya dengan orang-orang tersayang♥ Aamiin aamiin yarabbalalamin.. Ahya! Dan semoga resolusinya bisa terlaksana semuanya, aamiin! InshaAllah akan diusahakan untuk mulai rutin ngeblog lagi dari sekarang. Ahh how I miss ya all Dorkies! :"> Anyway, thankyou so much for reading these post! Talk to you again on the next post, Dorkies! See ya!! xx

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