A Letter to a Sister

Dear my beloved sister, Nabilla Prisma Geubrina.. In a few days i will have another brother (in law). In a few days you'll have your own family. And in a few days, your new life story will begin. If we could have a little nostalgic back then, you do really change my life from i was just an innocent baby. Well, i really have no idea what my life would be if you're not saying "no! she's my lil sis!" when our aunt asks if she could adopt me as her daughter. And i know, that's a love of a sister.. You might be so damn annoying sometimes, but most of the times you're the person i never knew i needed so bad. You're more than just a sister to me, you could be my worst enemy, but the most important thing you could be my best best best friend i ever had. I don't know it may sounds too much but i feel like i'm so lucky and so grateful to have you in my life. I told you every single things that ever happened with my life. You help me with my love life, you're the best listener to every weird thoughts that i have. You're so mature and that's one of the reasons why i needed you, especially for the person that's so childish like me. We shared each others thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we hurt each others feelings cause we all knows we're only human. We fight cause we know we both have a feelings.
Tinggal menghitung hari sampe pada saatnya lo bukan lagi jadi tanggung jawab buat Ayah. Dan pada saat itu juga keluarga kita bukan lagi cuma berlima, tapi berenam ditambah seorang lelaki berbadan besar yg juga akan ikut mengisi hari-hari kebahagiaan keluarga kita buat kedepannya. Gue tau ini rada terkesan berlebihan, meskipun kita pasti bakal ketemu lagi buat kedepannya, tapi gue sadar itu hanya beberapa kali aja dalam seminggu. Gue pasti bakal kangen banget nginep di kamar lo dan curhat sama lo sampe tengah malem. Dengerin lo batuk-batuk sampe ngeladenin lo pas lagi ngigo. Kesel berdua gara-gara nonton sinetron yg ga masuk akal. Ngomongin orang yg kadang kita sendiri suka ga sadar kalo kita lagi berbuat dosa-_- Buat makanan tengah malem demi perut yg kadang lapernya suka ga di kontrol. Kadang juga suka sok berani cerita horror tiap malem jum'at berduaan doang. Bahkan pasti gue bakal kangen banget pas berantem sama lo kalo kita lagi beda pendapat, kalo gue lagi males banget buat disuruh bantuin beresin rumah, kalo gue lagi batu banget karna gabisa dikasih tau. Gue gatau apakah kita masih bisa kaya gitu lagi apa engga setelah lo menikah nanti. Gue bukannya berfikiran menikah itu adalah suatu hal yg buruk buat hubungan kita, karna gue sadar nikah itu adalah kewajiban dan suatu saat gue juga pasti bakal ngerasain hal itu *amin* :p Gue pasti bakal kangen banget sama keseharian kita dirumah. Dan gue yakin begitu pula dengan Monci dan Kimmy yg bakalan kangen sama lo. 17tahun tinggal dirumah sama lo bukan suatu hal yg bisa dibilang bentar. Dan selama 17tahun itu pula pasti banyak kenangan yg udah gue lakuin sama lo. Hahaha gue tau ini berlebihan banget seolah-olah lo bakalan pergi jauh entah kemana-_- Tapi sungguh gue hanya mengutarakan apa yg selama ini pengen gue bilang sama lo cuma belom kesampean aja sampe pada akhirnya harus melalui perantara lewat DORK (blog ini). Terimakasih telah menjadi Kakak yg buat aku sempurna selama 17tahun terakhir ini. Meskipun seterusnya lo akan selalu menjadi seorang Kakak buat gue, tapi hal-hal bodoh yg biasa kita lakuin mungkin bakalan ga seperti biasanya lagi. Terimakasih sudah sangat mengerti perasaan gue di saat-saat remaja yg menyebalkan seperti ini. Terimakasih karna udah selalu ngejajanin kalo kita lagi jalan. Terimakasih karna sudah menjadi Kakak serta sahabat paling setia buat gue pribadi. Maaf kalo gue belom bisa jadi Adik yg bisa lo banggain. Maaf kalo selama ini gue nyebelin dan batu banget, hampir sama lah sama sifat Bunda.. Maaf kalo gue kadang suka tiba-tiba bete sendiri sama lo. Maaf kalo seumpamanya gue ga bantu banyak buat nikahan lo, tapi sungguh, gue udah berusaha buat bantu melalui hal-hal kecil dan semampu gue. Gue sayang sama lo Kak, sayang banget sama lo..
Things might be hard at the first time, but trust me, you'll always have me whenever you're feeling so lonely or need a friends to talk to. I-will-always-be-your-best-(sister)-friend. :-) I will always needed you for the rest of my life. Whatever that may be happen on the future, you'll always be the best sister that i ever had! Please make sure you always make time to visit us here after you get married. Please don't forgetting us eventough you already have your own family. I'm sure you already know it but, i do really love you with the fullest of my heart. I'm sorry for being such an asshole sister after all of this time, i wish you could understand how it feels at this ages-_- I wish to be like you when i'm older. You know what? You've made Mom&Dad proud of you without you knowing it. I feel that things too, i feel so proud of you.
We shared secrets while eating snacks
With giggles a plenty and many tears
We shared the growing pains of many years.
With your wedding, it's true, some things will come to an end
But you are so happy I can't help but extend

My very best wishes and deepest love to you two

I am so thankful to have a sister like you
Well........yea i guess that's everything i wanted to say to you........hahaha its so awkward because i never talk to you like this but......yea you know hahahahaha i should stop here-_-
Sending you a smile, while shedding a tear - You may be far away but in my heart you are near. :-) Once again, thanks for being such an awesome sister to me and Abang/Blek! We will always love you soooo damn much! Much much much more and more than you ever know! I'm wishing you all the best wishes for you, your husband-to-be and your soon marriage! Please always be kind to each other cause i'm wishing you to live happily ever after. You may no longer a Miss but always a Sis! I love you!!!♥♥♥

xx, your beloved little sister, Benazia Arsyi Syafira. ♥

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