A Hometown Called "ACEH".

This may be the quickest blog post i've put together in a very long time. As you can tell, i really have no idea what to post lately. Been so stressful with what the school things gave to me (i know i shouldn't have to) but really, this made me doesn't have a time to read a newspaper before going to school</3 But that's ok, inshaAllah i'll be back on the next post with another "Oh, Indonesia" chapter. Stay tuned!;-)
Well then, here's a pict that was took from my late late late super-dooper late holiday's pict. Honestly, it's an Eid's holiday. As you know, i haven't finish "A Trip To Aceh" post yet. It takes me a very loooong time to arrange my words so you can easily understand what i'm talking about-_- seriously... So i guess, i'll just let the pictures tell you anything you wanted to know. Well, here i present to you, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.. ♥:-)
(be sure to click on the picture to enlarge it!)
Yup and proud to say that that's all are originally taken by me. And of course my digicam which i couldn't remember where the last time i put it...........it's missing. And i should probably buy a new one...(alibi)-_- But seriously, i wanted to buy a new camera so bad! Doesn't to be so expensive because i'm not yet a pro photographer; just that's apart of my hobby i guess. And on my heads now, i'm thinking of.... Samsung NX2000........*out of breathe* and i wish, so wish that could be my birthday present next month...amin!:3
Well, I actually really love to stay in Aceh more longer! There's still a lot of beautiful places to go, and i always ready for my next adventures!! Boo-yeaaaah, can't wait to get there back cause i already missed that city a-lot! Arrrrgh, God!>< Well then, can't say much cause the pictures has already said a lot, right?;) Ok one word, b-e-a-utiful!!!♥ May Allah always bless us and, see ya next post, Folks! xx