Well, kenapa gue bisa nulis title post ini dengan "Romantic February", itu dikarenakan juga karena Kakak Sepupu gue tercintah sudah menikah tanggal 2 February kemariiiin! Woohohoho!~♥ Setelah bertahun2 pacaran akhirnya mereka menikah juga....Hahhhh, Kakak Pertama kapan nikahnya yaAllah? Buruan nikah kek orang itu.. =") Berikan dia jodohnya yaAllah, berikan dia jodohnya!!! Hadehhh, kenapa jadi gue yg ngebet gini supaya dia cepet2 nikah-_- Gaksih sebenernya bukan gue yg pengen bgt supaya dia cepet2 nikah, tapi Ibu Negara.......... Dia sudah memikirkan banyak hal gimana nanti Kakak Pertama bakalan nikah. Yap, nemuin seseorang yg bener2 "pas" aja belom. Sering bgt dia kaya pengen dijodohin gitu, cuma ya gimana ini bukan jaman Siti Nurbaya lagi nyai-_- Ah udahlahya jadi ngebahas Siti Nurbaya gini-__-- Yap, jadi Kakak Sepupu gue yg nikah ini kemaren nikahannya di Bogor gitu. Bisa dikatakan "siapa yg nikah, siapa yg repot". Ini nih kebiasaan Ibu Negara bgt. Yg nikahan siapa, yg setress sampe gabisa tidur doi. Gimana kalo Kakak Pertama yg beneran nikah coba, pingsan kali dia-_- Jadi ini Kakak Sepupu dari keluarganya Ibu Negara. Satu keluarga besar janjian gitu pake baju seragaman, udah berasa anak panti asuhan gak sih-_- Tapi yaaa gitu, tradisi kali ya. Akhirnya nyiapin lah itu bajunya udah dari beberapa minggu yg lalu, udah samaan segala macem deh. Untungnya sih warna bajunya ga sama semua, jadi setiap keluarga itu warnanya beda2 tapi designnya sama. Yapp, gue disuruh bangun jam 4pagi cuma buat makeup-an segalamacem. Pokoknya pertama itu akad nikah dulu dan itu mulainya jam setengah 7an gitu. Aslideh, dari rumah berangkat jam 6an, nyampe di Bogor bener2 jam setengah 7. Oh God, Adolf Hitler bener2 kaya mantan pembalap.....bukan, bukan pembalap f4 (efse) kaya anaknya-_- Sayang banget Abang Autis ga bisa ikut, katanya sih dia lagi TO gitu. Duh biasadeh bulan2 ini kan emang bulan2nya anak kelas 3 sibuk dalam segala hal. Padahal........baru kali ini kangen pergi2 sama Abang Autis. Ini suatu keajaiban dunia Bencil</3 Udah jarang banget loh jalan sekeluarga lengkap semua gitu, pasti ada ajadeh yg sibuk. Huffff, what a communication. Akhirnya pas nyampe digedungnya gitu, ternyata acaranya mulainya jam 7.....shitmen. Tapi yagapapa lah namanya juga keluarga<3. Mata gue menunjukan mata2 masih ngantuk++beler. As always-_- Iseng2 masuk ke ruangan makeup-nya gitu, jadi Kakak Sepupu gue ini namanya Kak Icha. Pas masuk, jengjenggg!!! Ngeliat Kak Icha udah di makeup-in dan sumpahdeh itu jadi bener2 cantik banget!!!! Wanna see? Here's the bride!!!
Kakak montok kesayangan<3 Huahaha. Cantik yaaaa??? Ahiyadumsss<3<3<3 Bener2 dehya kalo orang mau nikahan itu bisa keliatan dia masih virgin apa engga dari auranya. Ini sih katanya temen Kakak Pertama yg juga makeup artist gitu. Katanya kalo cewe itu auranya bisa keluar gitu, sebenernya kaya harus puasa sehari sebelum nikahannya gitu dulu supaya auranya keluar, kalo dia masih virgin ya pasti mukanya jadi berubah bgt gituloh jadi makin cantik, kalo yg udah gak virgin sih yaaaa, tau sendirilah gimana~ Akhirnyaaaa, siap buat akad nikahannya! Dan yap, harus bener2 gue akuin bahwa pake high-heels buat jalan mondarmandir itu menyebabkan kelecetan plus kebengkakan pada kakik secara berkepanjangan ="") Butuh perjuangan bangetloh buat pake high-heels itu.... Kalo mau tinggi itu harus usaha deh emang o=") Mana disuruh jadi yg nyambut tamu gitu pula, deuuh makin makin ajadeh ini kaki jadi kembang kempis-_-
Aaaaaaand yap, that's me.. Ohhh, what do I looked like? Clown? shithappen-_- Feels so stupid with all of those stuff. Like, that's so not me... But yeah, I must. 3-| Buttt, hihi yeah I'm so enjoying wear all that things<3 Yap! And here's the photos of the marriage! =D
Nothing is more romantic than seeing two of humans getting married. Right? ;">
Well yeah, here's a little weirdos photos of us. Enjoy!!!
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With my beloved sister e-ver!<3 |
Aaaand there's Adolf Hitler & Ibu Negara!! Awww, such my favorite couple ever! I love them both, so damn much. And you know, that only God knows how much I love them. <3<3<3
Daaaan ini dia para sesepuh kita! Hahaha. Yang disebelah kanan itu Nenek guehhh, biasanya gue manggilnya NekMak :3 Yg disebelah kiri itu Nini, gue bingung gimana cara ngedefinisikan nenek siapa itu sebenernya :-| Well, they're old but gold. ;-)
Believe it or not, they're husband&wife. God, this is my second favorite couple! Haha such a funny couple ever<3 Have no kid, but i believe that their live have a happily different things<3<3<3 Itu kakak sepupu gue, well panggil aja mereka Mas Anton sama Cutka. Fyi, gue punya banyak banget sepupu. Dan ini yg bisa disebut dengan keluarga besar, asli besar abis-_- Dan itu cuma baru dari keluarga Ibu Negara, belom digabungin sama keluarga dari Adolf Hitler. Bisa disebut keluarga besar dari Ibu Negara itu adalah keluarga bar-bar. Yap gimana engga, kita selalu membuat heboh dimana2 kalo kita lagi kumpul bareng. Dulu kita rajin banget jalan2 keluar kota, konvoy gitu naik mobil. Setiap tahun pasti ada aja tujuan kita buat jalan, tapi yaaa belakangan ini buat kumpul bareng2 aja udah syukur banget....
Aaaaand here we go! Ini nih abang2 sepupu gue,
Haha that's one of photos of the day. Disitu itu ada Bang Opik, Bang Amal, Mas Bayu, Bang Oza, Bang Ikhsan, Mas Brama dan Bang Ading. Dan masih ada lagi abang2 gue yg lainnya o=)
Lihat ada Adolf Hitler disitu :-B Well ini abang2 gue dan Om2 gue. <3<3
Ini diaaaaa pas acara akad nikahnya! Yap.... gue cuma dapet 1 foto. Sebagai pemegang kamera, gue merasa gagal</3 But that's ok, I have another photos. Ini pas udah acara resepsiannya, here we go!
Oh-my-God! Isn't they just looked like a real Prince and Princess?? Yeah! They just really looked like that.. Ahh so sweeeet<3 Well as I read on every fairytale, is all about a happy ending, and i really wish they could live happily ever after together forever, just like in fairytale. I believe they could have their own fairytale by their own way, just wishing they could love each other for the rest of their live. Amin yaAllah, amin yarrabbalalamin!!!♥♥♥ Ohya, and don't forget about the baby :p
Well, inget tentang keluarga gue yg super barbar? let me show you our photos, here we are!
Okeoke itu masih foto dengan gaya yg normal. Tapi enggak buat yg satu iniiii............
HAHAHA, hot abis sumpah itu Mas Anton sampe loncat gitu-_- Btw, kegilaan kita ga cuma sampe situ doang, jadi kita sok2an pengen kasih surprise gitu buat Kak Icha sama Mas Pepi. Bukan surprise sih, tapi yaaa gitudeh-_- Jadi kita pengen nyanyi sama2 gitu, ceritanya sih pengen ngeramein acaranya, cuma gue rasa ini lebih kearah ngerusuh kaliyaa-_- Hahaha. Jadi yg ngusulin kita buat nyanyi sama2 ini tuh Cutka sama Kak Diella. Eeeeh terakhir yg megang mic gue sama Kakak Pertama... Doooh why must both of us? Suaranya malah lebih mirip bebek kelindes traktor digiling pake molen terus kejepit aspal taugak-___- Tapi yaudahlahyaaa asik2in aja hahaha, itu kita semua pada nyanyi2 terus joget2 gitu sampe ngakak2 aslideh. Apalagi pas nyanyi Kopi Dangdut sama Terajana, beuuuuh itu goyangannya langsung pada hot2 banget yaAllah hahahahahaha! Sampe penyanyi nikahannya aja tuh bilang, "baru kali ini saya nyanyi di acara nikahan dan bener2 heboh bgt kaya gini hahaha" Antara membanggakan dan memalukan itu tuh udah beda tipis deh kayanya-_- wkwk.
Aaaand the last photo is belong to this one,
Yippieeee, with Ibu Negara, Kakak Pertama, Mas Pepi, Kak Icha and Adolf Hitler! Hufff minus Abang Autis... 3-|
Buttt yeayyy! What a wedding!<3 Bener2 dehyaaaa, gempor bgt gilak! Meskipun kaki udah pada lecet2 semua gini, tapi seneng bisa ngeliat orang lain seneng juga ;3 Berharap bgt Kakak Pertama bisa cepet2 kaya gitu juga.... Hmpft kasihan sekali dia baru bgt putus cinta, sayang bgt padahal udah hampir 2 tahun gitu pacarannya... Masalahnya? Well, ga ada masalah dalam pacaran gitu ngelebihin tentan masalah beda agama<///3 Me and Abang Autis always told her to just let it go and search for somebody else with the same religion of us. Ya know, that's not as easy as its looked. She's already falling in a deep love with her ex. Always think that they could keep it going till they're getting married, but yeah the truth is the truth, they could never be together forever, and I can feel it from the first time my sister told me that she have a boyfriend with the different religion</3 Anyway, just think positively, she could start open her heart again, but with now it should be with the right guy. Lets just say that this is just a lesson for her, me, or even my brother. Hati emang ga akan pernah bisa buat dipaksain, tapi apa salahnya kalo kita coba. Mungkin emang gue belom pernah ngerasain posisi Kakak Pertama saat ini, tapi gue yakin kok apapun yg lagi terjadi sama dia itu bener2 sebuah pelajaran dan pasti ada hikmahnya dari Allah. Kehilangan emang sesuatu hal yg bisa bikin kita ngelakuin apapun diluar nalar kita sendiri, yap ga beda jauh sama sakit hati. The pain that we always feel, can slowly drive us crazy if we're just keep it in our deepest mind&heart. Well, just let it flow. Open your mind, and think positively. Even tough that's the hard part. That's not really missing, that will always be in our hearts. Whatever you lose, whatever you've missing, God is keeping them for us, God is keeping something better for our life. If that's not the best for us, well we all know what's the answer. Gak semua yg kita cintai itu adalah yg terbaik buat kita. Kita buat kesalahan, dan kita belajar dari kesalahan yg udah kita buat. Itu namanya hidup. Apapun yg udah kita lewatin sebelumnya, jadiin aja itu sebuah pelajaran. Dan jangan pernah sampe kita masuk dilubang yg sama. Just like we know what the ending is, but we just keep it happen to our life. Such a fool. But believe this, dibalik sebuah kehilangan, disana pasti banyak keajaiban yg bakalan terjadi buat kedepannya, dan Allah udah nyimpen itu semua buat kita, the strength that we make, that'll make us keep going. Remember, "there's a sunshine behind that rain, there's a good time behind that pain." Sooo, why still drawn in the dumps for a long time? Losing a person isn't a big deal i think, because we all know how hard we're keeping them in our live, someday we'll gonna lose them for any reason. Although I never feel about it, but I know, I know someday I will..... And I wish when I'm feeling that feels, I really wish I've all my strength to go through everything and continue my life like nothing's really happens. Just imagine you have a box in your brains, and there will be a place where you can keep all those memories. We all know that we'll never ever can erase the memories........except we got amnesia or something like that maybe-_-v But really, we could never know if we never try, that's what everybody always talking about. You've your own way, so take it wisely because we live only once and I don't believe that cat have 9 lives....-_- No, seriously, from now I do really want to change my whole life with a lot of useful thing. No one knows about the age, only God knows that. So, why wasting our time for something that useless? Anyway love isn't about having it, love is all about how much you showed up that you do really care about it. Shine up the light inside your soul guys, life is not that bad even the reality is...... But, hey who need reality when you can have fun with your imagination, i mean yeah you can't always having fun with your imagination because you know its kinda make you look so weird or freak or whatever. For me, it doesn't matter about what everybody saying, fuck that shit man, this is your life, your rules, make it more shiny and make every human in this entire world knows that you're exist and you can make them envy with your smile :-------)))) Anyway, I think smile is the most amazing power, its make everybody seeing you with......."whoah!" I don't know what i'm saying, and if you only know and realize how random i am right now-___-- Okeeeeyyyyyy, so the point of all is, keep what you think is the best for you and for everybody if you're the type of a person that cares about each others, and yeah just let everything that makes you sad flow. ;-)
Arrrrrrgh anyway, HAH! I don't realize i said all of those things, that indirectly come out of my head. :-| By the way, who's really excited about the valentine's day? I bet no one of a single person that excited about this day hahahaha ;p Well, me too :-| I mean, its become more fantastic when you can make everyday is a valentine's day, isn't it? Except about the things that's on valentine's day, I mean, chocolate and roses? Who doesn't want that things? I do really want that things too anyway-_- #kode HAHA. Well, maybe its all enough for this post. Really hope you all like this post, sorry if I made you boring or any else. But really, I really appreciate you who reading this post right now, I just wanna say, "Hello! You're awesome!" Seriously, you guys really awesome ;D And I hope you all enjoy this February and make this month full of never ending love<3<3<3 Benazia Arsyi Syafira farewell, may Allah always bless you all! Byeeee, see you guys next post!!!♥♥♥