yeaaaay finally! one step closer to be the "real" woman, Cillls! Whattheeee......As I growing up, finally I found my's fi-na-lly. HAH!
yeah, such as write on the title. It's Girls Thing about MakeUp!!!! Waw.....m-a-k-e-u-p. Nah, Cils, you're really became a ladies day by day. o:"> Btw, what's on your first mind when your'e heard about "MakeUp"? Of course, it's really, really girly things, ryt? And yeah, that's on my first mind when I heard about "MakeUp". Honestly, Ibu Negara itu emang pengen bgt anaknya jadi cewe yg anggun dan blablabla. And well, maybe she'd be the first person whose so happy seeing me can doing my own makeup. Dulu, gue benci bgt sama yg namanya ke nikahan dan kena makeup-an. Deuh. Tapi sekarang, entah kenapa seneng bgt gue kalo ngeliat warna-warna yg ada di eyeshadow, daaaan seneng bgt kalo ngeliatin orang lagi makeup-an. Pengen bgt rasanya belajar makeup, tapi siapa yg bakalan gue makeup-in tiap saat?-_- Jujur, kayanya gue paling ga cocok buat pake makeup. It feels like better with my original face with no makeup on. Yeah, I bet everybodys agree that. But, hey makeup isn't that fake, right? Itu adalah salahsatu dari sekian banyak ekspresi dari sebuah seni. That's why I started to loveee makeup. Even if I'm not using it yet. Butttt, you know what? I have my own makeuppp! :----} I spend my money to buy makeup mostly. I haven't using it, yet. And the stupidest thing is, I don't know why I've to buy it when my mother have a lot of makeups collection......-_- Buttt, I feel no regret to buy it all ;"> Kebiasaan gue sekarang adalah kalo buka laptop selalu yg namanya buka youtube dan ngeliat "makeup tutorial" I've learn soooo many things from that. That's really help. Gak perlu kursus makeup ternyata, otodidak dan bereksperimen sendiri juga seru sepertinya :--} Yeaaay, what a fun thing when you tried to have something new in your life and you're really enjoyed it \=D/ I love this girls thing, and so I'm proud to be a girllll of course ;3
bytheway, hmm at first i want to show you what makeup i have bought, but its look like i forgot to capture sowwwy, but don't worry beib i'll post it soon anyway! =D
And well then i'll show you what I planed to buy next, check it out ;-}
Lipgloss 20 colors |
MAC eyeshadow Cine-Matics |
Eyeshadow LadyGaga series |
MAC Makeup set |
72 Mix MAC eyeshadow |
MAC eyeshadow 180 Colors! |
MAC 88 Colors |
Such a lovely colors, rightttt?♥
AAAND this one thing, most wanted!!! MAC Wonder Woman edition!!!
Lipstick |
Eyeshadow |
Wonder Woman makeup Kit! |
Wonder Woman makeup brush |
Gold glittery eyeshadow |
Wonder Woman Mascara |
Wonder Woman Eyeliner |
And the last wanted one is..........
Disney Villains Makeup Kit!!! |
astagaastagaastagaahhhh, nyarinya itu tuh harus sambil baca bismillah dan dzikir taugak rasanya-_- Susah bgt......Sebenernya sih gampang......tapi yagitu.....-____-v
sudahsudah semakin random semakin akhir and that's always happen-_- Well, just wish me luck for this one, uuuuh can't waittt, ayo nabungnabungnabuuuung!!!!><
Ummm well, thanks whoever for reading this Girls Thing and don't forget to catch up next Girls Thing! Hope you enjoyed this as much as you want to enjoyed something.... Ayay!♥=D