
Yapyapyap!!! Sekarang gue lagi seneng bgt ngedengerin lagu2nya M2M! Siapa M2M? Gue juga ga terlalu tau mereka siapa....tp lagunya familiar bgt buat gue. M2M, 2orang penyanyi, kalo di Indonesia mungkin mereka itu bagaikan T2....-_- Yuppie, grup musik ini beranggotakan 2orang perempuan dari Norwegia bernama Marion Elise Raven dan Marit Elisabeth Larsen.

Cantik yaaah<3 Tapi sayang katanya sih skrg mereka udh bubar....gatau kenapa padahal lagunya enak2 bgt. Apalagi liriknya....AW! Ini dia 4 lagu yg gue suka bgt....

Don't Say You Love Me
Got introduced to you by a friend
You were cute and all that, baby you set the trend
Yes you did oh
The next thing I know we're down at the cinema
We're sitting there, you said you love me
What's that about?

You're moving too fast, I don't understand you
I'm not ready yet, baby I can't pretend
No I can't
The best I can do is tell you to talk to me
It's possible, eventual
Love will find a way
Love will find a way...

Don't say you love me
You don't even know me
If you really want me
Then give me some time
Don't go there baby
Not before I'm ready
Don't say your heart's in a hurry
It's not like we're gonna get married
Give me, give me some time

Here's how I play, here's where you stand
Here's what to prove to get any further than where it's been
I'll make it clear, not gonna tell you twice
Take it slow, you keep pushing me
You're pushing me away
Pushing me away...

"Jangan bilang lo cinta sama gue, lo gatau apa2 tentang gue. Kalo lo bener2 mau gue, kasih gue waktu.." Ceritanya, jangan buru2 kalo habis nembak dan minta jawabannya. Itu bukan kaya besok lo bakal nikah kan? ngertiin dan nunggu itu sangatlah berarti.. =') Eaaaaa-_-

Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror lie to me, show me what I wanna see
Mirror Mirror lie to me

Why don't I like the girl I see?
The one whos standing right in front of me?
Why don't I think before I speak?
I should've listened to that voice inside me

I must be stupid must be crazy must be out of my mind
to say the kind of things I said last night

Mirror Mirror hanging on the wall
You don't have to tell me whos the biggest fool of all
Mirror Mirror I wish you could lie to me 
and bring my baby back to me

Mirror Mirror lie to me, show me what I wanna see
Mirror Mirror lie to me

Why did I let you walk away?
When all I had to do was say I'm sorry
I let my pride get it the way
And you were here for the moment I was to blame

If only wishes could be dreams and all my dreams could come true
There would be two of us standing in front of you
If you could show me that someone I used to be
And bring my baby, bring my baby back to me

Penyesalan emang selalu dateng belakangan... Yap, kaya lagu ini. "kenapa gue ga mikir dulu sebelum gue ngomong? gue udah bodoh bgt, gila, dan semua diluar pikiran gue buat bilang kata2 itu tadi malem.." Pasti ceritanya dia habis berantem sama pacalnya terus gara2 emosi jadi kata2 yg ga dipengenin keluar deh dari mulutnya... Dan baru nyesel pas emosinya udh reda dan pasti ngerasa kehilangan... hmmmm...

Pretty Boy
I lie awake at night
See things in black and white
I've only got you inside my mind
You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you

Cieeew pasti lagi jatuh cinta :3 seneng ya rasanya kalo lagi suka sama seseorang, 'nyepay' segala hal tentang dia. Apalagi kalo tau dia juga suka sama kita, beeeuuh. Pengen deh ngerasain yg namanya tergila2 sama seseorang lagi.... huffft. 3-|

The Day You Went Away
Well I wonder could it be 
When I was dreaming 'bout you baby 
You were dreaming of me 
Call me crazy, call me blind 
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time 

Did I lose my love to someone better 
And does she love you like I do 
I do, you know I really really do 

Well hey 
So much I need to say 
Been lonely since the day 
The day you went away 
So sad but true 
For me there's only you 
Been crying since the day 
The day you went away 

I remember date and time 
September twenty second 
Sunday twenty five after nine 
In the doorway with your case 
No longer shouting at each other 
There were tears on our faces 

And we were letting go of something special 
Something we'll never have again 
I know, I guess I really really know 

The day you went away 
The day you went away 

Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone 
How could I carry on 
The day you went away 
Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say 
Been crying since the day 
The day you went away 

The day you went away 
The day you went away..

HAAAAH, setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Apalagi kalo udah sayang bgt sama pacar kita, terus tiba2 putus dan pacar kita jadian lg sama orang lagi... 'bunuh gue! bunuh gueeeh!' Pasti rasanya begitu apalagi kalo masih sayang-_- "apakah gue kehilangan seseorang yg gue sayang buat seseorang yg lebih baik? dan apakah orang itu sayang sama lo kaya gue menyayangi lo? lo tau gue bener2 sayang sama lo... Banyak yg pengen gue kasih tau ke lo, bener2 kesepian semenjak lo ninggalin gue.." dan kata2 yg ngena adalah... "kenapa kita ga pernah sadar sama apa yg udah kita dapet sampe ketika hal itu pergi.." Yup intinya nyesel..

DUUUH ngena2 bgt yaaa lagunya >.< Apalagi suara mereka enak bgt buat didenger =") Dan bisa dibilang lagunya lg ngepas bgt buat gue ;p hahaha.
Yup, mungkin cuma itu doang yg gue tau tentang M2M, so... Have a nice day everyone!♥