SWEET SWEET LA LA~! GUESS WHO JUST TURNED INTO 17TH??? THAT'S RIGHT BABY, THAT'S ME!!! HAHAHAHA ok stop yelling-_- but YESSS, ok ehem first of all, gue ingin mengucapkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yg atas berkah dan rahmat-Nya telah memberikan gue umur yg bisa dibilang, "wow". This is what i've been waiting for such a damn long time!!! Alhamdulillah yaAllah, alhamdulillahirrabilalamiiiin. Arrrrrgh, i just feels so blessed! Ini umur dimana orang bilang awal permulaan dari sebuah kedewasaan. 17tahun, umur dimana gue berubah menjadi manusia legal. Itu yg dibilang sama Punina:") Yup manusia legal. Yg artinya sekarang gue bisa lebih bebas buat menyampaikan pendapat karna gue sekarang sudah diakui oleh negara HAHAHA ok stop it cil gue bahkan belom buat KTP-_- But that's ok because i'm soooooooooo thankful for these blessed ages! WooHoo!!! So first, gue pengen berterimakasih buat kalian kalian semua, for all of the greetings happy birthday for me. I don't know why, but that's all of the greetings really made my day. And i'm so happy of it :""""3 thanks a bunch, Pals! You'll never know how that could made my day!:"> Ohya! Maaf juga gabisa bales satu-satu buat kalian yg ngucapin di twitter or facebook or anywhere else, but i've read 'em all and thankyou, just thankyou so much for all the greetings Fellas!!!;'D ANYWAAAAAY, guess who's having a greeeeeat great great party for the first time of her lifeeee? That's right, me again. YEA! I'm having such a great party at my home last Friday night! wooo its just like one of Katy Perry's songs right? yeaaaa baby. But really, gue gapernah yg namanya ngerayain acara ulangtahun yg bener2 "acara" gitu. I mean, really, that's such a wonderful time to spend out with my friends! Rada sebel jugasih yaaa gara2 ujan jadi ga semuanya pada bisa dateng</3 But that's ok, cause the party still went soooo well. ;D Sebellll sebenernya gara2 slr yg super duper cacat dan nyebelin jadinya hasil fotonya ga ada yg bagus dan bisa di share:-( But here's a little photos that (a little) successfully taken by a cameras phone...
This is my kind of "morning surprise". This is all more than what i was expected.. Seeing them still there right beside me is all what i really wanted. And it feels like when i saw their happy faces, i already think that "thankyou so much yaAllah for blessing my birthday." I feel so blessed on my 17th. I mean, really, what i could do without them in my life? After all of this time, after 17years, they lived with me, growing me up with their kindness, power, and full of patient. Now your little girl is not a girl anymore, mom, dad. I promise you to make you proud of me just like you always make me proud of you. Just, thankyou so much for still being there when i was fall in a deep stressful thought. Thanks for showing me which way that i should take. Thanks for giving me lots of lessons of life. Thanks for being the best teacher for life. Thanks for showing me which is right and which is wrong. Thanks for being my best ever friends. Thanks for being the most awesome parents in the world of mine. Thanks for accepting me for who i am. Thanks for letting me choosing my own future. Thanks for always protecting me even sometimes your ways isn't like i wanted. So sorry for still being so selfish. Sorry for still being so childish sometimes. Sorry for always saying "ah!" when you guys need my help. I just wanted to change to be just like what you wanted me to, I just haven't find the right ways to change. I wish, so wish, you both could stay with me till i'm ready to face the "real" life. Please don't ever leave me, please don't ever go away from my life because if you do, i will probably be the first human that die cause of crying till i have no tears or water inside my body. I just want to say, i love you, soooo much. I just don't know how to describe how much i love you both, cause i believe my love for you was too big for the world to handle it. Yes i will probably hug them and tell them how much i love them when i finish this post and i wish you could to the same thing after finish reading this post. ;) I love you Ay, Bun, for the rest of my life♥♥♥
Soooo sad to know that Abang Autis couldn't go back home to celebrate my birthday. :"""( But he did something that i thought its the sweetest thing that he did,
Eeyup, he posted my photo that Ibu Negara sent to him and posted it to his Instagram. Arrrrgh, eventhough sometimes you're soooo annoying but i do love you even moooore and more and more everyday! You're the best brother on earth!.........and moon........and mars..........okay okay on the universe! Please come back home fast cause i already miss you so damn much!!!♥♥♥
Actually, there's still a loooot of photos that i took with SKKL, OTIS, Mas O and the others. Tapi hasilnya jelek2 banget pada ga fokus semua gituuuu, kenapasih sama muka kalian sampe kamera aja ga bisa fokus:(<///3 But anywayyyy, thankyou sooooo much for coming to my party......well its actually not like a party, its more like a........gathering i guess. But still, it was sooo fantastic! Thanks for making my day more awesome fellas! You know i love you all so damn much!♥♥♥
Sooo now i want to make a "Birthday Haul". That mean i want to show you guys what i got for my birthdaaaay~ *so excited*
Sooo, here's what i got from Adolf Hitleeeer~~~
OOOOW YES BABYYYY!!!! I FINALLY GOT MY DREAM CAMERA!!!!!! Alhamdulillah yaAllaaaah, and thankyou sooooo much Dad for making it happen!!! If you read my last post, you'll probably know how much i wanted this camera soooo bad! This is Samsung Smart Camera NX2000. It came with a 20-50mm lens kit, a flash light (cause its separated), a charger ( + data cable), a strap, and an adobe lightroom disc for your computer/laptop so you can edit your photos like a pro there!. This camera is 20.3 MP and its a full HD so you could filming a video waaaay better with this mirrorless camera. The design its sooo simple. Its also came with a black, white and pink color. I adore the white ones cause it looks chic and eye-catching. Beside, Mas O wouldn't let me get the pink one cause he said it was too girly for me...-_- You can also change the lens so its like a mini one of a DSLR, the screen is touch screen and it came with a direct link so i can easily send my photos that i just captured to my phone without using a laptop and a data cable. All i need is to download an application which called "Samsung Smart Camera App" on Play Store and connect it to my camera and boom! I can share my moment right away! Aaaarrgh sooooooooo damn in love with this camera!!! Thankyou soooo much Daddy!♥♥♥
Aaaand he also gave me this...
a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 lite. When i first opened it, i was like, "wow, why would you gave me this?" then he said, "you'll probably need this for something when you go to college i think." what-an-amazing-man!!! Really, he just too awesome. He even give me something that might be important for my future without i asking him first! Arrrrgh just, i love him more than just a gifts!!! I love him to dead i swear♥
Aaaand here's the next thing that i got from Kakak Pertama!
Believe me, when i opened her present i was just like, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream like zombie was bite me and she just like close her ears and smile and i was just sooooo crazy in looooooove with this sweater i swear to God this is the most amazing gift that she ever gave to me!!!!! AAAA I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!!!! okay okay calm Ben, calm......>_< Beside of the Nazis design, this sweater was actually fits on my body. Not too big and not too tight. Just perfection♥ Thankyou sooooooooo goddamn much my beloved sissst♥♥♥
And here's what SKKL gave to meee...
Whoop whoooop! A pair of hijab, outer, and a long skirt! The color its actually a dark blue or a navy, and i don't know why its looked like a black in camera.....-_- Besideeeeee, i really really really adore this outfits!!! Thankyou soooo much my girlsss, i love love love it sooo much! Gonna use it forevaaaaa!♥♥♥
And last but not least, here's what i got from Mamas Ngiuk!
Yupppp, a hand-strap, a book of photography and a cleaning lens set! Arrrgh he really know what i neeeeed! Thankyou sooooo much mamas ngiukkk! Its really useful things! Thanks a bunch mamaaaas♥
Soooo yeah, that's it that's all i guess for today's post. (I FINALLY REMADE THIS POST AFTER A LOOOONG TIME-_-) Hopefully you guys enjoy reading this post as much as i enjoy writing it! :D Thankyou sooooo so so much for reading this post and i will talk to you guys on the next post! May Allah always bless us and take care! ;D♥
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Please ignore my "morning face" -_- |
Soooo sad to know that Abang Autis couldn't go back home to celebrate my birthday. :"""( But he did something that i thought its the sweetest thing that he did,
Eeyup, he posted my photo that Ibu Negara sent to him and posted it to his Instagram. Arrrrgh, eventhough sometimes you're soooo annoying but i do love you even moooore and more and more everyday! You're the best brother on earth!.........and moon........and mars..........okay okay on the universe! Please come back home fast cause i already miss you so damn much!!!♥♥♥
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aaaand yea as you can tell this one is my favorite photos of all. Thanks Mom for capturing it! |
Sooo now i want to make a "Birthday Haul". That mean i want to show you guys what i got for my birthdaaaay~ *so excited*
Sooo, here's what i got from Adolf Hitleeeer~~~
OOOOW YES BABYYYY!!!! I FINALLY GOT MY DREAM CAMERA!!!!!! Alhamdulillah yaAllaaaah, and thankyou sooooo much Dad for making it happen!!! If you read my last post, you'll probably know how much i wanted this camera soooo bad! This is Samsung Smart Camera NX2000. It came with a 20-50mm lens kit, a flash light (cause its separated), a charger ( + data cable), a strap, and an adobe lightroom disc for your computer/laptop so you can edit your photos like a pro there!. This camera is 20.3 MP and its a full HD so you could filming a video waaaay better with this mirrorless camera. The design its sooo simple. Its also came with a black, white and pink color. I adore the white ones cause it looks chic and eye-catching. Beside, Mas O wouldn't let me get the pink one cause he said it was too girly for me...-_- You can also change the lens so its like a mini one of a DSLR, the screen is touch screen and it came with a direct link so i can easily send my photos that i just captured to my phone without using a laptop and a data cable. All i need is to download an application which called "Samsung Smart Camera App" on Play Store and connect it to my camera and boom! I can share my moment right away! Aaaarrgh sooooooooo damn in love with this camera!!! Thankyou soooo much Daddy!♥♥♥
Aaaand he also gave me this...
a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 lite. When i first opened it, i was like, "wow, why would you gave me this?" then he said, "you'll probably need this for something when you go to college i think." what-an-amazing-man!!! Really, he just too awesome. He even give me something that might be important for my future without i asking him first! Arrrrgh just, i love him more than just a gifts!!! I love him to dead i swear♥
Aaaand here's the next thing that i got from Kakak Pertama!
Believe me, when i opened her present i was just like, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream like zombie was bite me and she just like close her ears and smile and i was just sooooo crazy in looooooove with this sweater i swear to God this is the most amazing gift that she ever gave to me!!!!! AAAA I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!!!! okay okay calm Ben, calm......>_< Beside of the Nazis design, this sweater was actually fits on my body. Not too big and not too tight. Just perfection♥ Thankyou sooooooooo goddamn much my beloved sissst♥♥♥
And here's what SKKL gave to meee...
Whoop whoooop! A pair of hijab, outer, and a long skirt! The color its actually a dark blue or a navy, and i don't know why its looked like a black in camera.....-_- Besideeeeee, i really really really adore this outfits!!! Thankyou soooo much my girlsss, i love love love it sooo much! Gonna use it forevaaaaa!♥♥♥
And last but not least, here's what i got from Mamas Ngiuk!
Yupppp, a hand-strap, a book of photography and a cleaning lens set! Arrrgh he really know what i neeeeed! Thankyou sooooo much mamas ngiukkk! Its really useful things! Thanks a bunch mamaaaas♥
Soooo yeah, that's it that's all i guess for today's post. (I FINALLY REMADE THIS POST AFTER A LOOOONG TIME-_-) Hopefully you guys enjoy reading this post as much as i enjoy writing it! :D Thankyou sooooo so so much for reading this post and i will talk to you guys on the next post! May Allah always bless us and take care! ;D♥