Ahoy!!! How are ya guys doing? Well, looks like its almost to middle of the month, again.... What a day! Its going more and more and more faster by time to time. And yeah absolutely I brought a new stroies as always! ;D Well the first thing I want to tell ya is I have finally had..........BUDDY ZEUS & MUFASA!!! AAAAAA!!!!!>< Ahem okey okey, soooo... They're my new piggies!!! AAAA they're just tooooo adorable!!! Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, its like a dream come true or else its like a wish that have been fulfill!!! Aaaaargh a lot of thanks to Allah whose still made my wish always came true. Ahhh just can't believe that they're here with me now!!! Aaaaaah I promise to take a good care of them, promise!!! Come meet them, my new babies!!!
That's the first pict that I took when they're just arrived at my home. See their faces? That's the most scared faces that I ever seen hahaha<3 |
*Wheek! Wheek!* |
Ada 2 foto mereka yg bener2 lucu bgt, jadi sama2 kaya ngintip gitu dari tempat yg sama hahaha here it is..
hahahaha, PEEK-A-BOO!!! Aaaaaa they're too adorable to be true! Such a cute Piggies<3<3<3
Ok, so here's the first boy that I would like to introduce to you guys, his name is Buddy Zeus, or you can just called him Zeus!
He's Peruvian, black and white, born on 28 December 2012 and he's about 5 months old now. He's the mature one, and he's kinda more friendly than Mufasa.
And the other one is..... Mufasa!
Yup, as you can see, Mufasa had a lot of photos than Zeus. That's because Mufasa is kinda like camera a lot. Or else that I could say is, he's "narsis" isn't he? hahaha<3 Kalo yg namanya udah ngeliat blitz, pasti matanya langsung ngarah ke kamera. But as you know, Mufasa is the freakiest one. Entah dia yg terlalu hyperactive atau gimana, yg jelas kerjaannya dia lari2an mulu kalo dikandang. Kalo bisa digambarin, muka Zeus pas ngeliat Mufasa lari2 itu kaya gini -> (-_-) HAHA, benerandeh, Zeus itu pasrah banget kalo udah diajakin main sama Mufasa. Such a playful piggies and yap that's Mufasa.
He's Peruvian too, has a white and brown fur, born on March 30th 2013 and he's about 3 months old now.
Aaaaand if you don't mind, please go check their short video, click the link below and it'll take you to YouTube!
Ahem, honestly, they've been in my home since a week ago (sorry for the late post, seems like i'm too busy to take care of them-_-). I took them at the Guinea Pig's breeder. Its placed at Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan. Adolf Hitler and Abang Autis accompany me to take Zeus&Mufasa. That-so-unusual. But that's doesn't even matter, anyways, thanks a lot Bro, Dad, I love you both!!!<3:*({}) As what I promised at the first time, i'll take fully of care of them. Tonsssss offfff lovvvvve tooooo ZEUS&MUFASA!!! once again, welcome home Buddies, welcome home. ({})<3
Ohyeah, short story, I finally on the 3rd grade on high school now!!! Alhamdulillah yaAllaaah! o:"""} Just, still can't believe that I'm on the last grade of high school now........ Times do goes soooooo fast and faster! Feels like yesterday I just sat on my kindergarten's chair....Isn't it? Well yeah, I just want the third grade is more better than the second grade. My brain, my habit, my friends, my teacher and the lessons. Everything has to be more better, thats-a-must!!! amin yarabbalalamin! o;)
So what else I should telling you guys? I think that's enough for this post right? right. Well yeah, hope you guys enjoyed the videos as well as you guys enjoyed reading this posts! :D thanks a lot to all of you anyway!!! May Allah always bless us and InsyaAllah see ya next posts ya! ;D
Tons of love, Zeus&Mufasa. ("wheek wheek! Nice to meet ya all!")